Royal Pain

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1130 . The years of berserk and chaos had ended. The fear brought upon the Huns to the empire has been vanquished.

The reign of Attila is over.

From the past years, Atilla, the leader of the Huns, together with his brother Bedral has invaded the empire demanding tributes from the king in exchange of peace.

After 6 years, they came back to the land and demanded the same thing to the new king. The empire, being defenseless, gave in to their wishes. They provided 700 pounds of gold to the Huns. Until a new king was chosen and he refused to give in to the Huns' advances.

His refusal signed the empire to a war between the Huns. A war that resulted to a blood bath to the once lush and vibrant hills of Gaul.


A lone knight stands in the bloody hill where thousands of knights fought and laid lifeless now. He kneeled on one knee and pulled his sword pointing it to the sky before stabbing it to the ground before him.



Thalos, Ben, Sena, Kino,Phal, Jinx and a thousand of my comrades have fallen in this hill. Their chivalry and bravery have brought salvation to the empire. I gave my utmost respect and salute to the greatest knights and comrades I had. I was still on my knee when I felt a presence beside me, following my move.


Her pale face is a contrast to her dark wavy hair which is in a tangled mess now. Her brown eyes showed weariness and sadness as they look into me. My heart melted with her mere presence. She fought along with us. She's one of the women of the village who was chosen to be in the Covenant of Thales.

I was made to fight in the front line of the war together with my battalia while she was with the archers situated on the ruins.

I gave her a slight nod followed by the very first smile I had after the battle.

Her pretty face didn't show much though. There was still sadness and an unfathomable emotion in her eyes.

"You almost got killed."

I heaved out a sigh and stood on my feet. Guilt washed over me.

"Almost. Jinx would still be alive if I did. That blow was meant for me. He shouldn't have-"

Her arms around my waist stopped me from going further. My fresh wounds are still painful but I don't give much care about them now. All that I can feel now is the soft beating of her heart on my back and her warmth radiating from her tunic to my armor.

"I forbid you to go further and torment your self in guilt. Jinx was a great knight and a dear friend. He was ready to do what was dimmed appropriate." Her arms held me tighter. " I am quiet certain you would have done the same if anyone of us was in the the same fate."

I couldn't find the words to counter her because I could have said a thousand reasons to unjustify his sacrifice. He took that blow for me. I should be the one leading them, taking blows and sacrificing, not them. Not when their families had entrusted me alot to bring them home safely after the war.

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