The Shinozaki

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Branches scratch aginst my face and limbs as I run as fast as I can through the thick forest. My legs ache with exguastion and my breathe comes out in short weak puffs but I can't stop running . I can't let them catch me

"dad, I wann try sake too" I whined .
" (y/n) your only 15,sake is for adults"
" But I already have a boyfriend!!! I'm grown up enough!!." Dad chuckled as he ruffled my (h/c) hair " Maybe someday (y/n)"

BANG the sliding door to our house flew open . My Mother stumbled through the door clutching her bleeding side and panting " The sh-shinozaki are here " those were my mothers last words . The shinozaki were a clan of rouge ninjas that made their money by destroying small villages like ours. They were ruthless killers.

A young but tall man with blonde hair and red eyes ,the shinozaki trademark,. His clan emblam ,a lion engulfed in fire,was tatooed to his neck . He stepped over my deceased mother "stupid pig, she squeled too much" tears came to my eyes at this terrifing sight.

My father stood up anger corrupted his usally calm face. Blue flames envoloped him as he built up his chakra and barked an his last order at me "(y/n) get out of here. I'll take care of this filthy bastard."

I turned from the fight and ran the sound of metal on metal rang out behind me but I kep running till I got to my boyfriends house on the edge o he woods.

"CHIKA!!!" I yelled as loud as I could rushing into his house. I ran into the living the scene I saw in there forced my breakfast up my throat. The funiture was shredded and knocked over, the white walls stained red, and in the middle of the mess my Chika the love of my life in shredded heap of flesh ,soaked in his own blood.

More hot tears streamed down my cheeks . It was hard to stand on my wobbly legs so I slumped against the door frame sobbing. A voice interrupted my crys "well lookie what we have here ~~" I slowly turned around to face the owner of the voice.

A large man almost identical to the shinozaki my father was fighting , loomed over me with and eyed me with hungry blue eyes. "ooo this ones a cutie" he cooed

He stepped closer to me and I backed away shaking im fear . He smirked at my pitiful expression. I tumbled backwards over an overturned chair with a gasp . I kept scooting baskwards on the ground desperate to get away. He chuckeld and crawled towards me on all fours tills he was on top of me.

I looked down avoiding the gaze of the shinozaki's blue eyes. He grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to meet his " hmm what pretty (e/c) eyes maybe you'll be my new toy?" His slimy tounge licked my tear-stained cheek.His touch feels disgusting. He groaps my chest smirking .This is what snaps me from my pitiful trance.

My fear turns into disgust and hatred " I will NEVER be your toy!!" I pull out a kunai from my ninja tool poach and thrust it into his side. "u-ugh" he collapses next to me and I take the chance run out the still open fromt door.

My feet pound against the hard ground . I run faster and faster into the forest getting as far away from my once beloved village that is now mostly smoldering buildings and dead bodies.


There is a light ahead maybe it's a clearing. I run faster . I push the last branch away from my view as I come to the light.My stomach drops as my foot slips over the edge and I tumble down the canyon into the river below.

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