Chapter 1

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I strolled downstairs to get the mail just as I usually would on any other day but today I didn't just receive a letter and my weekly allowance from my parents I actually received my parents... Standing there... Outside my dorm...

There I was staring my parents down head to toe. "Um what the ..?"

"Surprise!!" they both yelled.

"Well yes that's one word for it..." I spoke to them. "ANOTHER WOULD BE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE AT MY BOARDING SCHOOL THE WHOLE POINT OF BOARDING SCHOOL IS SO I DON"T SEE YOU!" I said to myself while giving my rents a fake smile as I usually do.

"SO what are you guys doing here... In England... miles away from home... where you should be?" I asked hinting that I wanted them out of this country.

"Well we needed to share some news with you." My mom said "That couldn't really be shared through writing." My dad pitched in. "Were moving to South Hampton New York!"

"Um excuse me?" I gave them a grin "You don't expect me to move with you... right?"

"Well Saige that's kind of why were here..."

And that was that... There I was walking hand in hand with two Louis Vuitton suitcases out of the best school in England I don't think I lasted a full year there... I knew my parents would pull something like this! Isn't this illegal, making me quit my education for some surfer town in the east coast I was born and raised in the west coast CALIFORNIA... 90210... BEVERLY HILLS!!!


"Isn't this beautiful Saige!" My mom said pointing out of the car window to the beach.

"Wow mother a beach.. crazy..." I grinned and continued chatting with my friends back home.

"Who you texting?" My snoopy mother asked like she wasn't bothering me enough.

"My friends from California... I could be texting some from England but you didn't even give me enough time to make any there."

"But you wouldn't be texting them because that would be long distance." My dad pitches in, he's one of those people that you think isn't listening to your conversation but actually is...very closely.

I peeled my eyes away from my phone and looked out the window. There were all white shops, fancy cars, boys holding surf boards, nothing different than L.A. My dad stopped the car and pulled into a small grocery store called "Fish and Tings" my mom and dad hopped out of the car.

"You coming Saige?"

"Uhm.. Looking like this Ha!" I said continuing to go on my phone

"Oh cm'on it's not like your going to meet your future husband or something." My dad laughs.

I jumped out of the car and walked inside. It was the most elegant grocery store I had ever seen, even the people were dressed like they were going to a fancy gala party. The title was a huge understatement there was more than fish and tings it was like trader joes meets European flee market in a good way. I felt highly under dressed.

I walked isle to isle just scoping people out when suddenly I was pushed to the ground.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." A young, tan, teenage boy with long brown hair grabbed my hand and pulled me off the ground.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." He said brushing the dust off my shoulder

"Ew..." I said brushing it off also

"Oh.. whatever its fine." I said while turning my head up and actually getting a good look at him and was I glad I did.

"Why were you in such a rush?" I asked starting to laugh at how quickly he was running through the tiny isle.

"I was trying to help that lady get the noodles off the top shelf." He said pointing to the old lady. We both started to laugh. He was very very attractive and nice!! Completely different than all the guys in California.

"Here." He says handing me a blue flyer. "It's for surf lessons they start tomorrow."

I took one. Never had I ever stepped foot on a surf board and I never plan too. "I don't surf."

"You do now!" He smiled and bit his lip . "I gotta run, sorry again for almost killing you! See you tomorrow" Just as I knew it he was gone. Hmm maybe my dad was wrong and I did just meet my future husband...

"What's this?" My mom asks while pulling the surf lesson flyer out of my hands. "OH nothing!!" I quickly pulled it away and got into the car.

"Surf lessons aye?" My dad pitches in while turning the car on.

"Were you spying on me!?" I asked

"Well someone had to help the old lady get the noodles off the top shelf."

"Don't even, I refuse to take surf lessons from some guy I barley know!"

"Wait, 10 minutes in the Hampton's and you already met a guy??" My mom asks with her concerned mom voice.

"No! Theirs no guy and NO surf lessons!!" I said firm and clear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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