The Big Bump

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"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I heard two very loud screams. One down the hall and the second right next me across the breakfast table.

I rolls my eyes. "Lemme guess - " both girls interrupt with the same thing at the same time.

"Zach is live! EEEEeeeeppp!" I am not lying when I say they both "eeped" at the exact same time and the exact same way.

And I am also not lying when I say I got out of my seat and stomped away to my room. Caitlynn, my best friend, didn't even notice. Let alone care. She was too busy stalking "BruhImWack". I slammed my door shut, but not before I heard my sister,Chris , laugh at Zach singing "Let me suck yo titties baby".  

Ew. In what world is that funny? I seriously do not understand what is so endearing about this 15 year old boy. Especially one they don't even know; Haven't even met. 

Ugh. I need to get out of here. I opened my door and immediately heard Zach's voice echo through the house from both of their phones,followed by another guys voice. When I passed Caitlynn to grab my phone off the counter, I saw that it was Nick. The less annoying one. In my opinion. I grabbed my phone grudgingly and started checking my text messages as I walked to the front door.

Somewhere between the time I got to door and was closing it behind me, Caitlynn squealed and said, "OMG Zach is at a teen club right now. Eeeep!" but I didn't really hear her as I slammed the door.

I answered a couple of irrelevant messages and then put my phone in my pocket as I got into my car. I didn't know where to go. Then I remembered Caitlynn say something about a teen club. Not a bad idea. It is 8 o'clock anyway. And it's not like anyone would be going anywhere; it was the summer and that meant Caitlynn was staying the night at my house almost every day. And my mom and dad got home from work and went either out to eat or to sleep. After I turned 16 they kind of stopped caring where I went and how I went about it. They were just chill, and they trusted me.

I pulled up the best teen club in the city on my GPS and soon I was pulling up to Chanterinas teen club and bar. I redid my makeup before I hopped out of the car and went in.

It was dark and colorful at the same time. It wasn't at all empty, but it could have been more packed.

I made my way to the bar first. But not before I checked my pocket to make sure I still had my fake I.D Caitlynn made me a couple months ago. The bartender was a charming young dude with lots of piercings, so I told him to get me something I looked like I would like. He laughed and poured something colorful in a glass. Then handed it to me. Before I took a sip, I silently prayed that I wouldn't die from anything I got drunk off tonight.

The drink was very sweet and not very strong. So I got another one. And another one. And soon I was too drunk to ask for anymore. So I made my way with wobbling knees to the restroom. But god the line. I rolled my eyes and found the back exit of the club. I'm just going to piss outside. 

I slammed the metal door open and breathed in the night air. Then I closed the door as best as I could in my drunk manner, then stepped into a little ditch right next to the door where no one could see me if they were walking out. Hopefully no one would pass though; either way, I had to make this snappy. I quickly yanked down my jeans and underwear and aimed as best I could. I hummed with relief. Never will I ever again.

I quickly yanked my pants and underwear back on and worked my way back up the ditch to the side of the door. It seemed harder to get out of the ditch than getting in it did.

I had gotten dirt and pebbles on the knees of my pants so I slowly leaned down and wiped them off. 

Then I saw stars. I could still feel my feet on the ground, which told me I was still standing up, but my head was throbbing from a sudden force and my eyes saw a bunch of stars. Not the ones out in the sky either.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry" the voice I heard was not at all as drunk as mine, and it was a voice that was very familiar.

"Mhm...fine," I mumbled without leaning back up. 

"Are you sure? I opened the door pretty hard..." the male voice sounded caring and attentive enough, so I slowly looked up. And I immediately regretted it. 

A pair of greenish-blue eyes looked into mine with worry. His slight acne seemed to be making him even better looking, and his golden hair was in a messy mop. But was still gorgeous. And his slightly full lips were not smirking at the moment, and were not at all singing about my tits. 

"Uhm... here let me walk you to the front..." he offered, but didn't make a move to take me anywhere.

I couldn't stop staring. I knew at that moment what all of the fuss was about.  Zach Clayton was definitely worth watching. Every minute of every day.

" to pee," I mumbled before I passed out in Zach's arms.

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