All Gone Wrong

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"You're so stupid it's funny" "I can't even look at that dress go away" "You don't even have enough money to go to school oh my gosh" "Such an idiot can't even braid her own hair" All this taunting was too much for Taylor. She sprung up from her bed and learned that it was a dream. She sat on her bed staring at the wall. She blinked back the tears as she heard her mother calling. "TAYLOR! Are you deaf? Come down stairs, your sister is here!" Taylor did not want to get up and so she didn't. Her sister soon came banging on the door calling Taylor. Taylor hid under her blanket, and then realized that she could quickly (but quietly) run to the master bedroom because it is connected to her room. As soon as she entered the room she heard a screech. "TAYLOR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I'M CHANGING!" screamed her aunt. Everyone ran to the master bedroom and so there were a few more screams. Taylor was abused my her mom once again. A normal kid would cry but Taylor being so used to it, just frowned. She couldn't help but want to die. Her sister was the only who could understand her but she was in a bad mood for a while. Taylor went back to her room and started to search frantically for some knives to kill herself with. Her sister soon entered the room and a tear rolled down her face. Taylor stopped at looked at her sister. "Taylor. I'm so sorry about everything and how they treat you and all of this. I wish I could do something." Taylor stayed silent and continued to search. "Taylor, I think I know something that can help. When I was sad, I'd look in the mirror and remind myself of things I was and things I wasn't." Taylor seemed desperate to do anything so she tried it. "I am a human. I am not a monster. I am definitely different. I am not the devil they think I am." it helped quite a lot. Her sister stood by her and smiled. "When you're sad, I hope you do the same thing." said Taylor's sister. Taylor smiled and held her sister's hand. Heavy winds were blowing against both of them. They felt something pulling their self and they saw a magical sight. They vanish without anybody noticing into a land of fairy tales.

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