First day

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"Wake up! "My brother, Carson, jumps on top of me. I groan. It's my first day in this new school, in LA. I was going to be a senior as well as my brother. We were twins. Except he was older by like 3 minutes. He repeated the words "wake up". "Fine!"I yell. "Damn!"he said looking surprised. I shake my head and grin. "Get out. "I push him off my bed and I run to my bathroom.


I threw on a white long sleeve crop top, black high waisted shorts, and all white Air Force 1's. As for my hair I just left it straight down parted on the side. I do a natural look for my makeup.

I grab my purse and throw in my phone, money, gum, and my car keys. "Carson are you ready?"I call out while I walk down to the kitchen. I see my mom in her work attire. She was a nurse. "You look great. "She said. "Thanks, you do too. "I smile. "I hope so. "She laughed. I laugh with her.

"Yawa!"Carson yells as he entered. "Mom we'll eat at school. "I said kissing her cheek. Carson kissed her other one. "Good luck!"she said as we leave. "We love you. "We both yelled.


We arrive at school. I put my car into park and get out. "Let's go. "I say.

We walk past everyone who was staring at the new kids. The girls giving me dirty looks but almost drooling over Carson. I roll my eyes. "They love
Me already. "Carson laughed.

We enter the office. I let Carson do all the talking. Once he finished he passed me my schedule and locker combination.

"I'll see you later. "He said. "Bye. "I said. I try to find my locker. "You seem lost. "A girl said. "Yea, I'm new. "I tell the girl. "I'm Tara, I'll help you around let me see your schedule. "She said. I passed it to her. "Awesome! We have every class except your last one together!"she exclaimed. "Thank the lord. This must be fate. Oh, and I'm Claire. "I said.

"Let's go to your locker. "She added. I nod. About 2 minutes later we found my locker. I threw in my purse but kept my phone. "So where'd move from?"she asked. "North Carolina. "I said closing my locker. "Is there a reason why'd you move here?"she asked. "My mom got transferred to the hospital downtown. She's a nurse. "I said.

"Cool. So where's your dad?"she asked. "He died. In a car accident. "I said. "I'm so sorry. "She said. "It's okay. "I said. "So it's just you and your mom?"she asked. "And my twin brother, Carson. "I said. "Oh. "She nodded. We stop at a door. "Here it is. Let's go and face the terror. "She said.

I laugh nervously. We enter the class and everyone looked at us. "You must be Claire. "The female teacher said. "Yea. "I nod. "You look just like your brother. "She said.

"And she's hot. "Someone said. I looked towards the class. I saw who said it. I can't lie. He was so fucking cute. I turn my attention back to the lady. "Take a seat. "She said. Tara and I sat towards the middle of the room.


I made it through 4 classes and all of them had the boy that called me "hot". I wasn't gorgeous but i knew I wasn't ugly. I was ok.

We made it to lunch. Carson walked over to me. "Yawa sis. Yawa sis's friend. "He said. "Yawa?"she looked at me. "It's his greeting. "I roll my eyes. "Don't hate ladies. Okay, come join us. "Carson said. He dragged us to his group of friends. This must be a joke because the same boy was there. "Okay guys, meet my sister, Claire, and her friend,"My brother said. "Tara. "Tara said. "And ladies meet Lee, Mikey, and Jack. "Carson said.

So the boys name was Jack. They had numerous plates of food so they shared with us.


I only had 5 classes with Jack. 3 with lee and Carson. 1 with Mikey and 7 with Tara. We were all going over to our house. So they were all piled into my car.


Moms car was in the drive way. "Mom!"I call out walking inside. She came from the kitchen. "How'd it go? "She asked. "So good, we brought friends. "Carson said leading everyone into the kitchen.

"I'm Mikey"




"Carson. "Carson smirked. I roll my eyes. "Hey guys, I'm Cate, you already know the people who came out of me. So if you need anything tell me. "She said. "Can we order Chinese?"I ask. "Yea. I'm just gonna go run some errands. Don't throw a party! don't invite anyone else! Don't break anything. Please. "She crossed her fingers. "We won't. "Carson and i said.

"Claire I'm counting on you. "Mom turned to me. "Trust me. I got it. "I nod. Carson's mouth stayed wide open then he gave me the stink eye. "Move. "I smirk pushing him out of the way.


We all chilled on the couch, watching furious 7, and eating Chinese. I was sitting with Tara. "He's staring at you. "She whispered into my ear. I already knew who she was talking about. "No he's not. " I whisper back. "Don't worry. I got him for you. "She whispered. "What did you do?"I ask. "I told him to ask you on a date. "She smirked. "What!"I said really loudly. Everyone turned to me.

"Romeo Santos is in this movie. "I made an excuse. Thank god I looked at the screen before I said anything. Tara laughed. "He said he's gonna invite all of us to the carnival Friday night on the board walk and he will ask you there. "She said. "I hate but love you. "I smirk. She hugged me.


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