How You Meet Him

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We (sadly) do not own Hetalia. All rights of characters go to it's original creator. :)



You had just gotten out of a long hard day at work... you really just wanted to sit down and have relaxed coffee somewhere. You started to head down town to hunt for a coffee shop, but all that was there were run-down op shops. You had a generally disgusting town for such a well named city... At last you just couldn't take it any more and just stopped in front of a MacDonald's. You were just getting a coffee right? Not like it could be too bad... You sat down at a table and stared at the run down place, you never liked areas like this. At last, a waiter came to take your order. "One trim coffee please." The waiter nods and scurries off to place your order. In the midst of the noisy place, you spot another person enter through the double doors to your right. The boy looks around, and then sees you. He rushes over and then sits down next to you. "Hey! Mind if I sit here?" He asks. "No... not really." You reply, trying to act like he's not the hottest guy you've ever seen. He had super handsome dirty blonde hair, a killer style of clothes (is that a retro bomber jacket??) and superbly cute glasses. "Earth to stranger?? Dudette? I'm Alfred." "Oh??" Is all you could manage when you looked up at him again.


It was a stormy day and you're heading to a friends house, not really fit for a person. You're trying to keep your glasses clean, and failing mind you, by looking down when you accidentally bump into someone causing your glasses to fall off. "Hey watch it." The person says, "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking were I was going, trying to keep my glasses from... Damn-it." You say looking down to see them in a puddle. Picking them up and quickly apologizing and walking off, but before you could go anywhere your arm was grabbed by the unknown guy he quickly says "No it's my fault i was rushing, you look cold." He says, You look at him in complete awe, he looks like he just came back from a wedding or something, very gentleman-like "No shit Sherlock, it's raining." Hinting at sarcasm, he seemed like he didn't understand and looked upset so you gave him a hug "I'm sorry that was harsh," You say slipping a bit of paper into his pocket, giving him a wink. He just stood there for about five minutes he was confused on why you gave him a wink, he stood there for another five-ish minutes then realized that it was still raining, but not as heavy as it was when he first saw you. He stuck out his hand and said "I'm Arthur, but you can call me Iggy."


God, you loved playing in the snow. It was just you favourite thing to do during the winter months... (that and smash everyone at ice-hockey) So you'd headed out to the local ice rink to practice your skills. As you arrived at the old, run down place, you saw another guy was there. So you put on your one blade skates, (two blades are for noobs you had decided) and skated over to where he was. "Um... hello?" You spoke as you got closer to him, He turned around. "Y-you can see m-me?" You cocked your head to the side at this peculiar remark. "N-nevermind. Anyway, I've never s-seen you here around b-before...what's your name?" He asked. You started to notice his features... (he looked hot in that hockey jersey!!) and those glasses and his blondish hair were adorable! "I'm (Your Name)." "Oh, nice n-name." He smiled. "I'm Matthew, but you can call me Mattie if you want... Wanna have a game?"


You and a couple of friends wanted to hang out more, so you all agreed on a date and time and they offered to bring everything, because you are actually quite forgetful (Hey its me irl) the night before your friends texted you saying that the weather didn't agree with their plans and wanted to move it to another date (Horrible timing I day). You texted back saying maybe next week, they didn't reply but they read it, you decided you would sleep because that's what your good at. (That and Tumblr). When you woke up the next day you wondered why you needed to get up, then it dawned on you that you had a meeting with your friends. You had completely forgotten that they had canceled and moved it to next week. You went to the park that you organized to find one one person there, he was literally covered in snow (he was sitting down and its just like a mini mountain of snow). He looked up at you, you were staring at the fact he was just a mountain of snow "Hello, Why are you out in this weather?" He asked "I could ask you the same thing" You reply, he stands up breaking the mountain of snow then sits. He was wearing a long coat or something with a pink-ish scarf. "My name is Ivan, What is yours?" "Y/N" You replied.

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