Capture Him

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"Get your ass on the ground now!"
There was shouts from all around him, he could feel his blood pumping in his ears, but he still ran. Then he heard gunshots. Shit...He thought. He felt a sharp pain in his leg before someone tackled him to the ground, then another male ran up in front of him and pointed a revolver at his head. He suddenly felt a bad ache of the gunshot wound in his leg. "You have the right to remain silent, we're with the FBI. You will not be forgiven for the things you've done to those boys, and all the other victims." The younger male spoke, and he couldn't help but do a quick look over of him. The one behind him wasn't the type he was after, no, but this male, those young features, short dirty blonde hair, slender hips, and innocence splayed across his face was definitely his type. The one behind him cuffed him, before lifting him to his feet. "Nice work Pretty Boy, you did good." He heard the male behind him say. Oh, so they had a thing, did they? Well the male sure was pretty..especially with the blush the nickname gave him. "Thanks Morgan, you too."
"Reid, come here! We found something and need your help with it." There was a sudden voice shattering the silence of the night. "Got this asshole Morgan?"
"Sure thing Reid. Go on, Hotch needs ya."
Reid nodded and walked off to his boss.
So, the pretty boy's name is Agent Reid...
"You sick bastard, how could you do this to all those teens?"
Ross looked up and smirked, knowing their tricks all too well. This isn't the first time he's been caught with a crime. "I don't have to tell you shit, frankly, I don't like you Morgan. I want to talk to Pretty Boy." He noticed Morgan's jaw clench tightly when he said that and Ross smirked. He had the male right where he wanted him. "Well I don't like you either, and I don't-"
"Don't worry Agent Morgan, I'll talk to him." Both heads turned to the young voice they suddenly heard at the door. "Reid you shouldn't-" Morgan's words were cut off as the young genius raised his hand in dismissal. He had a folder in his other hand and walked over to the table where Ross and Morgan were sitting, before he stood up anyway, and took a seat where Morgan was. Agent Morgan walked out the door with a huff of disapprovel, only to go to the other side of the two-way mirror of the interrogation room to make sure this psycho didn't try anything with his Reid. Reid's kidnapping was already too much to handle and he finally got over his drug addiction, so Morgan didn't want the bastard to mess him up again.
"Mr. Gavin Ross, you and I both know about what you be been doing to these young boys."
"That's right, Pretty Boy, we both know what I've done. And your just my type."
Ross noticed the agent tense when he called him 'Pretty Boy' and smirked. He was slowly but surely going to reel him in.
Reid coughed and looked him straight in the eyes. "Ross, I would prefer you not to call me that. Would you mind explaining to me why you did this to all those boys?"
"What did I do Pretty Boy? Tell me. Then I'll tell you something."
Reid was silent for a moment before picking up his folder and opening it, taking a few pictures of the victim's mutilated bodies out and putting them on the table between Ross and himself. Then he took out a couple photos of the victims before they were murdered, placing them above the ones of the victims after. "You see Mr. Ross, you would stalk these victims for about two or three weeks, getting to know their daily routine. You would enter their homes while they were asleep and rape them in their own bed before brutally murdering them. Your main choice of a weapon was any kitchen knife you could find in their kitchen, but a few times you would use anything you either had on you, or found in the room. Such as if you found a gun in the room, or anything laying around the house actually. But you see, you also had a type. You would go after males from ages 18 to 26, dirty blonde hair, lean -almost girlish-features, and most boys were relatively active. They also had blue or green eyes."
Ross's grin grew impossibly bigger after each word Reid said, leaning close to him and knocking the pictures to the floor. "Exactly. And your just my type. You see, all those nice young men were just begging me to take them, begging me to reveal all their deepest darkest fantasies. And you see Reid, your no different. You have fantasies. And I'm sure they involve a couple of your male coworkers..Hotch...and especially Morgan..You have a thing for Morgan. But you want Hotch to take you right in his office-Bend you over the desk and fuck you until your sobbing and begging for it. You know there's a risk of being caught and you love it. You desire your boss, and you want him bad. You don't care what it takes, but you will have him.
As for Morgan, you just want him to fulfil your secrets. You want him to tie you up, whether it be during work or at your home, and you want him to fuck you hard. You want him to, oh I don't know, give you what you can't have. Only I can fulfil that desire that burns inside you, that makes you want me. If I weren't in these chains, I would take you right here right now like I did those other boys. The others will hear you scream but by the time they come in here, I'll already be done. I'll forever be burned into your memory, into your body, no one will ever replace me, Spencer Reid."
"Actually Mr. Ross, you don't have anything I need...Anymore. What you've done is unforgivable. You think you had me into your little trap, but the tables were turned when I got you to confess that you raped your victims. You also didn't disagree with me when I talked about how you murdered your victims. They were all toys to fulfil your sick fantasies. All I needed was a confession and I got one."
Spencer stood up and turned to leave, but was surprised when he felt himself thrown back onto the table with lips on his own and a hand traveling down low..Too low for his liking, slipping into his pants. Another hand was at his throat, squeezing to where it was hard to breath. How the hell did he get out of those handcuffs?! Spencer tried to fight against him but Ross was much stronger than him, a man who's 6'3 of pure muscle. Reid let out a scream and tried to push the hands and body away from him but just couldn't. He felt the male smirk against his lips and slip his tongue inside his mouth when he screamed, the hands still on him. He was suddenly so aware of every touch that was given to him and felt sick. The edges of his vision started to turn black from the grip on his throat, he was losing his breath fast. He wanted out of here. He wanted this man off him, now. Just then the door burst open and Ross was jerked off him, someone grabbing Reid and holding him in his arms protectively. Reid gasped for breath as a sob wrecked his body. "You watch your back Pretty Boy, I told you I'd have you and I'm not through with you! Not fucking yet!" Spencer was terrified, a repetition of before, he didn't want to happen again...
Hotch and Rossi were holding Ross back, Morgan holding Reid in his arms. Morgan took Reid out first, followed by Ross, Gideon, and Hotch. Reid didn't even realize the tears streaming down his face and that he was shaking, but with the looks Garcia and JJ gave him...He knew something was up. The male behind him was screaming curses and Reid just wanted to be closer to Morgan, he wanted everyone else to disappear, he wanted it to be just them. Only him and Morgan. "Pretty Boy..-" Reid flinched when Derek Morgan said that, so Derek automatically changed what he was saying. "I'm sorry this happened to you Baby Boy, I won't call you that unless you want me to..I shouldn't have let you talk to him." Reid didn't even realize what Derek said, and just stayed close in his arms.
They were finally on the plane back home. Reid was sitting-laying- in the seat with his head on Derek's chest and knees brought up to hold his book. "Whatcha reading Baby Boy?" He suddenly heard Garcia ask him and he smiled. "I'm reading The Soul Catcher By Alex Kava. They really can't see that the boys didn't want to die, but the crazy Priest is behind it all?-" He felt Derek chuckle and Garcia laugh, so he cut off his ramble. "Well Reid, I was going to ask if your alright but...You seem okay."
It was Reid's turn to smile. "I'm fine Garcia, thank you."
"Here, I know your going to finish that book soon." Garcia handed him Stephen King, Dreamcatcher. "Oh, thank you Garcia!" A bright smile lit up his face and he hugged her before laying back down against Derek. "C'mon Baby Boy, get some sleep.." Reid nodded and soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Derek took the book from his lap when he did eventually fall asleep, laying it ontop of Dreamcatcher on the table.
"He's out..I can't forgive myself for what happened to him today....I shouldn't have let him talk to Gavin Ross. Bastard.."
Derek spoke softly to Hotch as he ran his fingers through Reid's hair. Hotch was sitting in the seat across from him. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. He insisted on talking to him, and we just couldn't get to the poor boy quick enough....No one would've ever guessed that would've happened." Hotch replied while looking over the next case in his folder, taking a drink of his coffee.
"But..Reid was just his type, a few years older than the others but...Reid isn't that much older than them. He had the looks of the other boys too, how could I not have realized..?"
"Derek, calm down..You didn't know. I know how you feel, trust me. I've lost so many people...So many people I failed to protect, and I'm scared something will happen to Jack.."
"Hotch, none of us on the team will let anything happen to Jack. He's like a son to all of us.."
"Just like Reid is the baby brother of the team, that's why everyone is starting to call him Baby Boy." Hotch smiled a rare smile as he replied to Derek. "But I also know the feeling of having someone you can't..Take care of him Derek, he deserves it. The boy has been though a lot."
Soon the plane landed, and everyone went and stayed at a hotel. The team wasn't home yet, they were just starting on a new case in Tampa Bay, Florida. They all were going to make sure to keep an eye on Reid this time. Derek picked the young boy up, carrying him bridal style so not to disturb his well needed slumber and entered the hotel with the others. Those two were sharing a room, while the others booked their reserved rooms Derek excused himself and went upstairs to their room. Derek gently laid him on the bed, quickly running back downstairs to grab their bags. And Reid's two books. Derek went up the stairs and said his goodnights to everyone, surprised to see a sleepy Reid sitting up and rubbing his left eye. "Hey my adorable kitten. What are you doing awake?"
"I...." Reid looked to the side, slowly crossing his arms over his chest. "Your thinking about him aren't you.."
Reid clenched his eyes shut tight, hoping Derek wouldn't notice the few tears escaping his eyes and small sobs that shook his fragile body. Derek set the bags down and the books onto the nightstand on Reid's side before sitting next to him. He pulled his lover into his arms, running his hands through his hair. "Baby Boy.."
"N-No...Don't call me that. I like it when you call me Pretty Boy, not him..."
Derek smiled softly and held him close. Reid stayed close into his lover's warm embrace, enjoying being in his arms with the hand running through his hair. Reid was still terrified though, could still feel the hands lingering on his skin, the male's mouth on his own...Reid sobbed and Derek suddenly cupped his cheeks, making him look at himself.
"Spencer Reid, get that man out of your head. Your safe now and I'll make sure nothing like that ever happens again. I shouldn't have let you talk to him, your my Pretty Boy..Not his." Spencer stayed silent as Derek wiped the tears from his face. "I'm sorry"
Derek spoke softly once more as he wiped the tears away, kissing where the streaks of wetness used to be. "You have nothing to be sorry for...You didn't know what he'd do." Spencer put a hand on top of Derek's, leaning into his touch and looked at his lover with glossy eyes, showing he was on the very verge of tears again. "I'll make you forget him. I'll replace his touch with my own, I'll make thoughts of him become thoughts of me." Spencer smiled at this, trying to blink back tears.
Derek was happy they got one of the nicest rooms and picked Spencer up, carrying him to the porch outside. "Wait here, I'm just grabbing something." Spencer nodded and watched him walk inside the sliding glass door. Derek walked to a small tub filled with ice he spotted earlier, grabbing the wine from it along with two glasses. He filled the glasses, setting the wine down and walking back outside to see Reid leaning onto the white railing along the small deck, looking up at the stars. Derek felt a smile tug at his lips, not wanting to startle his young lover. "Hey, Pretty Boy." Spencer turned to face him, so Derek handed him the glass of crystal clear liquid. Derek wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close, to where his body was pressed up against his own, as the two looked at the stars. Spencer's back was to him so he soon turned his gaze to the young boy, admiring how his features basically glowed in the moonlight. His hair shone bright, his eyes sparkled when he saw the stars and the moon hit them just right, and the peaceful look on his face made his heart flutter. Derek sipped his wine and pressed a small kiss to the top of Spencer's head, causing him to turn to face Derek. He just noticed the bruises on his pale neck, anger boiling inside himself but he simply bent down and trailed soft kisses along all the bruises. Spencer gasped and wrapped a hand around Derek's arm. "D-Derek?"
"I told you I'd cover up his marks, I'm making that a promise."
Spencer smiled and loved how the other was treating him, He was always treated like a Prince. He didn't want a repeat of the past and was sure Derek didn't either. The kisses soon stopped so Spencer opened his eyes-When did he close them?-And looked at Derek, who only responded by pressing his lips against Spencer's. The kiss stayed soft and sweet, never escalating past there. Spencer broke the kiss, looking into Derek's eyes. "I love you Derek Morgan"
"I love you too Spencer Reid."
Both of them smiled, Spencer turning back towards the dark sky in his lover's arms, both looking up. Derek started to sway, so the younger placed a delicate hand over Derek's own and swayed with him. Spencer sipped his wine and enjoyed the small breeze that blew but shivered involuntarily. They both swayed in silence, knowing things unsaid between them, Just loving how they felt in each others arms. Soon Derek spoke, breaking the silence. "Pretty Boy, lets go inside. It's getting chilly and we can do other things~"
He smirked towards his lover who laughed a delicate laugh in return, softly hitting his arm as they walked Inside. Oh how he loved to hear him laugh.. "Oh shut up" Spencer spoke jokingly and shut the glass door behind him, noticing the moonlight filling the room. Relief washed over him knowing he had a great chance of not being plagued by nightmares since it wasn't completely dark..He still never admitted that he was afraid of the dark..Derek took Spencer's empty wine glass and set it down, breaking his thoughts, taking his hand afterwards and leading him towards the bed. Spencer laid down after stripping down to his boxers, Derek doing the same and laying beside him. He pulled the smaller boy into his arms once more, his slender frame fitting perfectly against his own, fitting perfectly in his arms. Spencer snuggled into his lover, burrying his face in the crook of his neck and smiling. Derek pulled the blankets over them, even if they had to wake up in a few hours and be on the road again, he wanted them to get some sleep. He wanted his Pretty Boy to be happy, safe, and comfortable. After all, its what comes after the fight of the day that counts.

((A/N: I've made a mention of Hotch/Reid in there, not sure if I wanted to make it Hotch/Reid/Morgan or not :p I stayed with Morgan/Reid. Then I wasn't sure if I wanted to add them having sex or not, but stuck with this. I might add it sometime..I had fun writing this, and I'm making a Hotch/Reid now too :3 Hope you liked this! I'm actually thinking of making the Hotch/Reid details a lot better, and the case longer, along with the interactions between the characters.

Disclaimer: So nothing is mine but the idea! I obviously don't own the characters nor show, you'd be able to tell if I did.))

After The Fight Of The Day (Reid x Morgan)Where stories live. Discover now