Rubber Duckies and Homophobes

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David's mother had come over and she had brought his Cousin, Matthew, over too. David and Matthew were apparently "super close" when they were kids and did just about everything together. David just thought the world of this guy but from the moment Bryan met him, He knew something was wrong. And his suspicions were confirmed shortly after dinner. David and his mother had decided to go one a walk, taking Sawyer with them in a stroller and leaving Bryan and Matthew sitting in the kitchen silently.

"So, How about them crocks.." Bryan commented, noticing the stalky, well built Matthew's horrible fashion sense.

"Shup up, you Fag." Matthew scoffed, grabbing a beer from the fridge. "Um Excuse me?" Bryan looked at his husbands cousin with absolute shock.

"You heard me, flamer. Don't talk. I don't want to catch the gay virus."

"What the hell is your problem?"

"You. You are in the way of David being normal. Healthy. You've given him some kind of false belief that It's okay to be gay. And that he loves you. Well news flash, princess. He doesn't. He's just fucking brainwashed."

Bryan just stared at the man in front of him. Never in his life would he have thought this wouldn't happen. He thought Matthew was no good... But not this. Not a homophobe... He was trying to "fix" David. He wanted to change him. He wanted to get Bryan out of the picture. Bryan had to tell David... He had to tell him now.

"And By this time tomorrow, David will have realized how wrong this is. And you... Will be history, Princess." Matthew smirked. "And since Sawyer is Biologically David's, You can't have him. So you can't fuck him up too."

Tears filled Bryan's eyes as the thought of loosing his family suddenly became the only thing on his mind. No. No. He could NOT loose his family. David and Sawyer were his everything. "It won't happen." He quietly said, not looking directly at Matthew. "Your wrong."

"Aw, is the little princess crying? Why don't you run to your mommy... Or does she hate you too?" Just as Matthew finished his teasing Bryan, David came in, Sawyer as his Mom followed close behind. "Hey, Cus!" Matthew said, staying a little quiet.

David smiled. "Hey Matt. Bryan, sweetie will you take Sawyer upstairs for me? Give him his bath?" He softly asked. Sawyer was turning three in a few months, and He loved spending time with Bryan. Just the two of them. David loved watching them. Everyone had been worried... but Bryan was actually amazing with kids. He took care of Sawyer very well.

Bryan quickly wiped his eyes and nodded, putting on a smile. "Yeah, I can do that." David smiled and gently gave the rather small two year old to Bryan, Pecking his lips before He started for the stairs, talking quietly to their son. Matthew watched him go in disgust then turned his attention to David. "So... David. We need to talk." He said. "I don't uh... I don't like this Bryan. Don't trust him."

David looked at Matt with a questioning stare. "Why don't you trust him..?"

"Just don't. He seems off. Have I ever had a false judgment on someone?"



"Until now."


"Matthew, I've been with Bryan for eight years. If something was off about him, I'd know."

Matthew sighed, Looking angrily at his cousin. "Just... Think about it, Okay Davey? Don't want you getting hurt. And if I'm right, We'll find you a great girl to replace him."

David sighed. "Matt. I'm gay. For the last time. I am gay." He shook his head, looking to his mother, who just stood watching. He couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't saying anything to Matt...

Mean while...

Bryan sat on the cold tile but the bathtub in the bathroom upstairs, thinking about Matthew's words as Sawyer played with rubber ducky. They had already washed his hair and everything and now he was just playing. He really loved bath time. Once he was in the bath, it was hard to get him out. "Almost done buddy?" Bryan softly asked, staring at the wall across from him.

Sawyer shook his head. "No, daddy." He said, squeezing his rubber duck so it made a loud squeaky noise. David walked into the Bathroom and sat down on the floor next to Bryan, wrapping his arms around him and Kissing his cheek.

"Did you talk to Matt?" Bryan softly asked, still staring forward at the wall. David carefully observed the look on his face. Something was wrong. Like really wrong. "Bry..." He softly said. "What happened? What's wrong?"

Bryan just sorta shrugged. "You didn't answer my question." David sighed quietly and gently push Bryan's hair out of his eyes. "Yes, I talked to Matthew. Why?"

Bryan was quiet for a minute... And the next thing David knew, His husband was sobbing into his shoulder. "Bryan..? Bry, Sweetie, What's wrong?" He asked, holding his Bryan close to him and rubbing his back in soothing little circles.

Bryan couldn't talk. He couldn't say a single word. He could only cry. "Bryan..." David softly said, gently wiping his cheeks. "Talk to me."

"I don't want that... That Guy... In Sawyer's life. Or my life. Or your life for that matter. I don't like him. I want nothing to do with him." Bryan choked through his sobs. David was starting to get a slight idea of what had happened. And if it was what he thought it was, It pissed him off.

"He said I brainwashed you and that you didn't love me and you were gonna leave and take Sawyer and he called me a fag and a princess and Don't leave me David please." Bryan burried his face in David's chest, crying as He pleaded for David to stay with him. "Bry... I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in this entire world. I'm not going to leave and Take Sawyer. I'm staying right." David whispered, kissing Bryan's head and holding tight.

"Papa.." Sawyer said softly as he watched them. David looked at Sawyer to see he had gotten himself out of the bath and wrapped in a towel. "Is daddy okay?" The little boy's voice was full of concern and he looked quiet frightened. David just offered a smile. "Yeah, Little Buddy, Daddy's okay. Go get dressed, okay? I laid your clothes out for you in your room."

With that, Sawyer ran off toward his room to get dressed. He was very smart. Already potty trained and bottle broke. He could dress himself as long someone picked out his clothes, and he didn't use baby talk. Bryan had a theory that it was because David was a doctor that their son was so smart. David just thought he was smart. He had no theory for the reasoning.

David looked Bryan, who had calmed down a great deal, but was still clinging to David like he it was last time they'd ever see each other. "I love you, Bry." He quietly said, rubbing his husbands back as Bryan looked up at him.

His face was all red and puffy. He hated when his face looked like that... He said it made him look like Lindsay Lohan, post plastic surgery mixed with Kim Kardashian, pre plastic surgery.

"I love you too." He quietly said, snuggling close to him.

David smiled sadly as Bryan snuggled close and he held him tight.

That night when they went to bed, David held Bryan super tight to ensure him of his undying love.. And Around two in the morning, Sawyer climbed into bed with them, scared because he had a nightmare. He laid down inbetween them and they all three snuggled close to each other.

They may not be a normal family... but Jesus...

What family is normal?

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