The Abduction

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•Dustin's POV•
I lied down, beginning to drift off after a long day at work. I heard soft footsteps; had Nikki gotten up? I heard soft rustling of the covers. She must have gotten up at some point. I smiled slightly, falling asleep, but I woke up and sat bolt upright the moment I felt hard impacts on the mattress and heard muffled talking. Men in ski masks were holding my girlfriend; she had duct tape over her mouth. Her eyes looked at me desperately. "Let her go!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs, lunging at one of the masked men. I shoved him against the wall, kicked his head in and stole his gun. I pointed it at the other two masked people, who were holding Nikki. I clenched my teeth as I said "Let her go, you godda-"
My vision went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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