Chapter One: Mallory

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   I was late for work and it felt like everything that could go wrong, was going wrong. The session had already started and I was still trying to make it through security. I work as an aide for a North Carolina state senator. Mostly, it's a glorified gofer job when they're in session. The security guard was being really diligent with my handbag, for some reason. Usually, I'd look at it as a great way to stay safe, but today, late for work, hair damp because of a shorted-out hairdryer, clothes wet from rain, emotionally drained from the toxic relationship I was in, I was just ready to get on with it and start my workday.

Finally, I was allowed farther into the legislative building and I jogged up the red-carpeted stairs. Scott, a work friend of mine, sidled up to me and murmured, "It's feeling like a Monday." He rolled his eyes and straightened his blue and white striped bowtie.

"For a Tuesday, that's never good," I said. "But you're right. Today's got the Monday vibe going. What's happening here?"

Scott raised his eyebrows and leaned closer. "Take a look over there," he said, gesturing to a desk across the chamber.

I squinted across to a desk near the front of the room. The Sergeant-at-Arms crouched over a rotund figure on the floor. An aide hovered anxiously nearby, talking on his phone while waving his hands around rapidly. The figure on the floor convulsed violently as if in the throes of a grand-mal seizure. More security ran in to assist.

"Is that Representative Murdock?" I whispered. "What's happening to him?"

Scott shook his head and was quiet for a few seconds before saying, "He had some sort of weird encounter before he came into the building. I was heading through security while he was, and he was really shaken up about it. Said some strange man came up to him in the street and ... attacked him."

I pushed a strand of wet black hair behind my ear. "Attacked him? You mean, started yelling at him? Someone who didn't like his policies or something?"

"No," said Scott, lowering his voice to the point where I had to lean in closer to hear him. "No, I mean that he attacked him. Physically. The guy bit him on the neck and Murdock had to beat him off with his briefcase. Said he snarled like an animal." Scott's face, usually so laid-back was uncertain.

I spoke slower than usual, trying to process what he was telling me. "So, did the police get him?"

Scott gave a cough that was supposed to sound scoffing but sounded sort of strangled instead. "Cops? No. They wouldn't have been able to get him because he immediately lumbered off into the crowd and left. Snarling as he went."

I shivered. "Sounds like someone who is disturbed, maybe? Do you think the Representative was especially targeted?" I'd hoped today was going to be one of those workdays where I coasted at the office on autopilot while working through my personal problems. But it sounded like I needed to be right on top of whatever was going on here.

Scott shrugged. "Who knows with those types of people? But I can't imagine that was the reason. This wasn't a protester. This was someone behaving like a rabid animal." He paused and narrowed his eyes. "You haven't had a run-in with that person, have you?"

I forced a light laugh. "Of course not. Why?"

"Well, because you've got a big bruise right over your eye. Actually, I'd call that a black eye." He leaned in closer. "Somebody hit you, Mallory?"

"No, I just tripped last night when I was on my way to bed. Hit my head on the bed knob," I said. "Clumsy."

Scott nodded slowly again. I could tell he didn't believe a word of it. Which was perceptive of him. The truth was that it had been a rough couple of days. And I wasn't a clumsy person.

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