How it all started

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Hey guys I'm back with another story that I came up with after reading other stories on here. It just popped in my mind to make a story like this and I want to see how well this goes. This is not a love story at all! This is just a story about acceptance and a father and son bond. So please let me know how you like it so far and if I should continue after this first part enjoy.

Hi everyone my name is Alex Songz. You might know the last name as being the same last name of one of the music icons Trey Songz. Well yeah, that's because he's my dad. He's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him. But he's not really a how should I say "good" parent. That's why my mom is here to help him work on his parenting skills. We don't really see eye to eye but we still love each other. You see I'm different. I'm a 14 year old gay boy. And that kinda gets in the way of everything between me and him and I hate it. But enough about me lets get to the story.

I'm in a peaceful slumber. When I feel light taps on my arm. "Wake up sweetie." The sweet voice says. I slowly get up opening my eyes only to look up at the most beautiful woman in the world... My mom. "Come on sweetie we are going out to eat for breakfast." She says. "To where mom?" "You'll see just get ready." I nodded and got up. I got in the shower did my hygiene and got ready. I came down stairs and saw my mother making breakfast while my father was behind her holding her waist. I wanted to throw up. I came down the steps and sat in the chair and they didn't even notice me because they was to busy sucking each other's face (A/N don't you hate when you see people kissing with tongue right in front of you). "Ehem." I say but they ignored me. Oh hell no let me try that again. "Ehem!" I say and they still going at it. That's it! "Hello!" I yell. They quickly jump and look at me. "Boy is you crazy? Don't yell at us like that." My mom say all ghetto like and I hear my dad chuckle. "Yeah, hey wassup son?" My dad says. I look at him and simply said "Hey." Me and him don't really engage in much conversation. Like I said we really don't see eye to eye. "Well are we all about ready to go?" Dad says. "Yes we are now come on my two handsome most favorite men in the world." I smile and we head to the car and get in. We start to drive and for some reason my dad thinks to start up a conversation. "So Alex, are you in to sports?" He said "No not really." I say while on my phone. He looks a little upset but then says a very rude remark that I won't let go. "Oh yeah I forgot with you being different and all you might not like to do guy things sorry I even asked." That made my heart sink and my eyes water. My mom looked furious. "Why in the hell would you say something like that to our son?! What in the hell is wrong with you? You don't judge something you help created! He might be different but he's still our son nothing different!" She said with tears streaming down her face. "Look baby I'm sorry I didn't mean-" "Yeah you never mean it you just do! You don't ever think!" Mom said. "Look Sharice I just made a statement that's all, I'm sorry Alex I didn't mean to offend you." Dad said "Obviously you did I hate you so much!" She says yelling at him and hitting him. We started swerving on the road then I got scared.

She started hitting me and crying at the same time. We started to swerve on the road. "Baby calm down!" Is the last words I could say, when we got into a serious accident that flipped our car over. I was all bloody and bruised. I turn to look in the passengers side and see a very bloody Sharice. "Sharice? Baby? Wake up please wake up!" I started crying then I looked in the back to see a unconscious Alex. I cried even more. "Alex please wake up! I'm sorry I was so mean to you...I love you...both of you." I took a glance at both of them before I blacked out.

I was at the hospital sitting in lobby. They told me I had minor injuries but Alex and Sharice didn't. I was so scared and worried for the both of them I began shaking in my seat just wondering life without both of them. I wouldn't be able to go on with out them. As I was still caught up into my thoughts the doctor came into the room. "Family of Sharice and Alex Songz." I stood up and walked over to him. "That's me doctor how are they doing." "Well Alex he has a concussion and a few minor injuries but he is fine." He said and I felt so relieved. "But Sharice..." The doctor trails off and I began getting nervous "Yes doctor tell me." I say awaiting what he has to say. "She... Lost a lot of blood, and has serious injuries now we tried to give her some blood but it didn't work... She died." The doctor said. I didn't say anything, I didn't cry, I was just out spoken for words it just didn't process in my brain, it just didn't make sense. I simply nodded my head biting my lip with a tear rolling down my face this is all my fault. If I didn't talk about our son like that she would have still been here. "Thank you doctor. Can I go in to see my son?" I asked "Yes he is up you can go in and see him." I then walk off after he told me his room number. I looked in the window to see him up watching tv. The only thing I could think about was how am I gonna tell him that his mom died?

I woke up in the hospital from the car accident. My head really hurt. The last thing i remember was mom and dad was arguing over me and then boom. "Ouch." I said out loud my head was pounding. I sat up and watched tv when i noticed my dad staring at me through the window with a sad look on his face. I motioned for him to come in and he opened the door and came in. "Hey you feeling?" He says. "I'm fine my head is pounding though, how's mom? Where is she?" I say curiously. That's when he looked even more sadder. "Well Alex you see, your mom... She-she is in bad condition." He said. That made me a little bit upset but then I said "Well she's gonna be alright right? She's gonna make it right?" I say scared like. I stare at my father and I saw tears stream down his face. He shook his head no and cried some more. "She lost a lot of blood and they said... She didn't pull through, she died." I was lost for words. I didn't no what to feel. Tears streamed down my face and he looked at me and hugged me. "I'm so sorry son I just don't-" "Get out." I said with a straight face. "Wh-what?" He said shocked. "I said get out!" I said crying. He just looked at me with tears running down his face. "This is all your fault, if you never said what you said about me she would still be here. I will never talk to you again I wish you were never my father 'I hate you.' I said crying hard. He tried to say something but I cut him off. "Just go!" I yelled and he just walked out crying. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and he just took her away. This is me Alex Songz and this is my life of being Trey Songz gay son.

Hi everyone. How was this for the first chapter? This is not a definite story but I just want to see you guys opinion on it. If you don't like it so far I'll delete but just let me know it's just a thought of mine to make this. So let me know in the comments thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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Being Trey Songz gay son (A Trey Songz story)Where stories live. Discover now