prom night

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My heels were in one hand and a water was in the other. It had been a long night and I was getting sick and tired of Prom. I left my date behind because he became more interested in the girl across the room. My dress was uncomfortable and I was just done with high school. It was dark and really quite humid for a day in early May. I decided to stop by the convenience store on the corner to grab some Advil and some more water. The old door jingled as it swung open. I stepped in and a familiar voice called from the counter,
"What are you doing home so early?"
Bill, the owner of the store, looked at me and frowned.
"Bill, dances just aren't how they used to be. My date left me and I have a headache and I just want to sleep."
He laughed quietly,
"Well, you look gorgeous."
"Thank you. It really doesn't make any sense that you get all dolled up for like five hours. Especially when it gets hot and sweaty in there."
"It's all for the memories. It's for fun."
"Well Bill,"
I slid the items on the counter for him to scan, "My experience was shitty."
He gave me the bag and smiled.
"I'm sorry to hear that. You get home safe, okay?"
"Thank you, I'll try."
I stepped back out onto the sidewalk and continued the long walk home. A car slowed down next to me.
"Hey, why is such a gorgeous girl all alone?" My best friend Ashton was sitting in the driver's seat.
"John left me all alone."
"Screw him. I have ice cream and a some comfy clothes at home that are calling your name."
I got into his car and smiled.
"How did you know I was walking home?"
"My dad just called me and told me to find you."
Bill was always like a second dad to me. He always was looking out for me.
"Your dad is a sweetheart. You must get it from him."
"I'm not trying to be weird or anything, but you look hot the smudged makeup is really kind of sexy."
"Shut your mouth Ashton."
"Make me."
I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"You're only saying that because you want me to kiss you."
"Oh god, you just know me too well hot stuff."
"I hate you so much."
I giggled and turned up the radio.
"Holy shit. This is us Ab."
"You guys are always on the radio."
"But it's just so weird. That's me drumming." "Yes Ash, that is you drumming."
"You know Calum thinks you're hot too." "Wow. Fascinating."
Deep down it really was fascinating. Calum always had this certain place in my heart. He was just so sweet to me and we kind of had a thing at one point, but he ended up telling me that we had to end it. The next day magazine covers were covered with news of him dating a model. I always loved talking to fans because I'm a fan and I love telling them that. Their faces brighten and it makes me so happy to give them that hope and belief in themselves. "He really does."
Ashton parked his car and got out.
"We were talking about you."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, we talk about you all the time."
"No you don't."
I got my key to Ashton's house out and opened it up. Calum and Luke were sitting playing video games on the couch in their boxers. "Look at these two dimes."
Calum yelled at Ashton and grabbed two pillows to cover up.
"No, I got Abbie." I sat in between Luke and Calum and smiled.
"Aren't you two just adorable."
I kissed their cheeks and looked at them.
"Guess who left me alone on the dance floor during one of your songs?"
"Let me guess, the scumbag you called your prom date?"
The guys knew about John and they knew I liked him and that he and I were planning on going prom together.
"What song was it?"
"She looks so perfect."
"And he left a perfect girl all alone?"
Calum looked over at me and shook his head.
"I hate that guy and I don't even know him."
"Me too."
Michael came down the stairs with a smile on his face.
"You're the most adorable girl I've ever seen, you know that right?"
I got up and hugged him.
"Thanks Michael. I'm gonna go get this makeup off my face."
I slowly walk up the stairs to their bathroom. I get up there and I can hear Calum say,
"God, she's hot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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