Part 1 : the spot

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(Alexas point of view) *i wake up yawning*    "mm its sad that i dont have any friends"      *i look at the cuts on my wrists then i change and walk outside to the nearest place to eat which is a pizzaria * (Vincent/purple guys point of view) "i hate my job two more weeks and then i can leave this f###### dump "  *as I sit down a pretty lady walks in she walks up to me and sits at the booth I am * "hey umm man you ok  *she shakes her head no *   " well hmmmm"      *I blush but she doesn't notice she leans on me and I allow it I think I might not kill her in my up coming plans and she whispers* "thanks for comforting me your really nice "  *I say*  " no probable little lady my name's Vincent (Alexas point of view )  *as I snuggle in Vincent's arm he wraps his arm around my body which puts my head on his lap* " my name's alexa nice to meet you since my little brother Charlie died your the only nice one here to help me get thorough my pain "  *I blush quickly after then he says * "no problem Alexa  you look hungry here have my plate of breakfast food "     *I eat it all up and sit up and I whisper in his ear * "thanks do you like my hat "  *I sit up as he shakes his head yes  I stare at his  eyes which are purple with a flush of purple in his skin it's odd but whatever he's nice and he speaks *  " yea I love your little nekko hat"  *he takes off my hat and my little nekko ears pop up and I blush he speaks again *   "Hey my shifts over wanna had to my favorite spot in town "  *I speak *  " Yeah that would be  fun "  (Vincent/Purple Guys point of view) *I grab her hat as we leave that dump we head up the hill to see the valley* "pretty huh"   *I sit down next to her she looked bored I asked her if she was *  " you seem bored I can leave I was just being n........." *my voice was cut off by a kiss  it's seems like time froze and I push her down on the ground kissing harder I pull away looking nervous she whispers * " sorry I was just waiting to do that anyway I got to go home maybe ill stop by your place tomorrow later " *she kisses my cheek and walks off* 

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