One night Stand

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"I'm sorry Professor, this was all a terrible mistake. I-I didn't know what I was doing." Hermione said frantically. Severus watched her pick her clothes off the ground, covering her feminine parts. Severus sat silently on the bed clutching the blanket against his bottom half, thinking about what they've just done. He had absolutely no idea what gone through his mind last night. Hell what ran through that young woman's mind. They were both drunk from the last year at Hogwarts party in The Three Broomsticks and one thing lead to another.

Why would she sleep with me? Severus thought. I'm a lonely, dark middle aged man that has no friends. What did she see in me? Other than my intelligence and my part I played in the Battle of Hogwarts. Or was she so drunk that she thought I was Ron or something. He shook of the thought as Hermione walked out the door of the room. This was the end of it, he wasn't going to hear about this again. It was just a one time thing; a one night stand is what most people call it. Severus groaned and got out of the bed. He picked up his clothes and started putting them on. He buttoned up his cloak and apparated back to Hogwarts.


"What was I thinking?! Hermione said out loudly as she walked back to the castle, ignoring the passersby looking weirdly at her. I can't believe I slept with... Professor Snape last night! I can't grasp the thought of having that kind of relation with him, and sex was too weird. Hermione thought in her mind. She was disappointed in herself, sleeping with a teacher.

Professor Snape was also the most feared teacher in Hogwarts. She knew Neville was terrified by him... But having a teacher vulnerable to you like that was pretty impressive. She also couldn't deny that that was the best sex she'd ever had. Hermione wasn't a virgin. She wasn't that goody two shoes everyone thought her as. Ron, Viktor, Oliver, and Cormac were nice guys and were okay in bed, but they were amateurs. Snape on the other hand clearly had experience (so she thought) and brought mindblowing sex! Hermione shook her head, ridding the dirty thoughts of her professor. She walked back into Hogwarts with a major hangover.


"Hermione!" Ginny yelled as she saw Hermione walk into the Great Hall. She looked befuddled. Her clothes weren't on right. Her robe, skirt and jumper were wrinkled. As she walked through the Great Hall for breakfast everyone from each house were looking at her, snickering or looking confused on why the goody two shoes looked like a mess.

"Hermione! Where were you? I didn't see you come back last night from the party. I was worried." Ginny said quietly not wanting everyone to hear their conversation.

"I stayed in one of the rooms." Hermione explained. "I was drunk, I didn't have any energy to walk back to Hogwarts, so I rented a room and slept there for the night." She lied hoping that Ginny wouldn't get suspicious.

"I understand. Sorry for leaving you by yourself." Ginny apologized.

"It's okay. It wasn't that bad without you." Hermione chuckled tiredly.

She looked up from her food and absentmindedly look towards the teacher's table. She saw Dumbledore and Mcgonagall talking amongst each other smiling once in a while. She turned her head, seeing Professor Lupin talking to Professor Snape. They were talking in whispers. They looked like they were talking about something important. Probably just the end of the term exam. Just then Professor Snape look towards her and she froze as he look contently at her. He was mouthing a few words but she didn't understand what he was saying. She then noticed Professor Lupin turn to look at her. She looked away quickly, out of her Professor's eyes and focused back to her food.

Were they talking about her? Hermione thought. Maybe they noticed me looking at them. She went back to talking to Ginny, casually thinking about it in the back of her mind.
Severus apparated back to Hogwarts just in time for dinner. He walked through the Great Hall looking for the young woman. But to no avail she wasn't there. Maybe she's just walking back. Severus thought. He sat down in the only chair available; next to Remus.

"Good morning, Severus." Remus greeted him. "Had a fun night?" He said with a seductive tone in his voice. Severus clenched his teeth and fists at Remus' comment. Did he know about last night?

"It was okay." Severus answered dryly. "Okay?!" Remus exclaimed. "You spent a night with Miss Granger. It couldn't just be 'okay.'" He whispered.

"Miss Granger is nothing but a student to me-"

"Didn't look that way last night. You two seemed..really into each other." Remus said slowly. "Last night  was the first time I saw Mr. grumpy Severus Snape smile towards a woman." He said pointing directly at him.

Merlin's Beard! How drunk was I? "Don't worry, no one saw except for a few professors. No students were there to see the 'show'. It was really  late. But Headmaster saw so better watch out for his inevitable quirky remarks." Severus turned to look at Dumbledore and saw him smirk. He saw Dumbledore turn and look straight down the Great Hall still smirking.

"What the hell is he looking at?! He-" Severus stopped in his tracks as he saw Hermione walk into the Great Hall looking befuddled. Her clothes were all wrinkly. Remus then nudged him with his elbow. Severus turned and looked at him fiercely.

"So how's she in bed?" Remus whispered, smirking at his question. "None of your business werewolf." Severus spat. He continued to look at Hermione contently. Just then Hermione looked directly at him. He managed to keep eye contact with her. Answering the werewolf's stupid questions with no thought.

"What're you staring at?" Remus questioned as he turned around. He saw Hermione looking at Severus. She quickly turned and ate her food. Remus looked at her clothes and smirked turning towards Severus.

"Blimey Severus, what'd you do with her clothes?" Remus chuckled. Severus ignored him and continued looking at the young lady that caught his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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