You and I

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You're the perfect one, the cool and amazingly handsome one . Not arrogant or a jerk like my other lovers but you are charismatic , gentlemanly and confident . You're strong , strong enough to fight for me . Strong enough to protect me , strong enough to stand for me  , strong enough to watch over me . With you , ......I don't a thing to worry about . Your my safe heaven.

You're caring and your love,......its simply out of this world. Your strong arms around me does more than hold me , it strengthens me in my weakest days , a place where i can always come and find rest . Your love is breath-taking and i begin to wonder . WHY DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE LIKE ME ????

We are total opposites staring at each other ;  you are cool,extremely handsome with absolutely no flaws while i on the other hand is flawed , totally uncool , dull and most times locked in the darkness within. You're the answer to my prayers , you're everything i desire , everything i long for with my entire being .But ,..... it wasn't always like this . How did this happen ? , When did i get lost in your love? 

Sixteen times and a year .

 Right now all i desire is you . We met on a day as normal , there was nothing special about that day , the sky wasn't green nor were dogs flying. I thought you were awesome , i knew you were rich , you were easy cash to me , everything i needed would be provided in you .Hence , i started going out with you .


You weren't my love , you were my bank , a limitless bank account .  I didn't  really love you , i only needed you  so whenever i got the chance , i cheated on you . Countless time and time again , i cheated on you .Sometimes i did it right in your face .  The only person i cared about was ME. So i ran back to you , whenever things got troublesome , i ran back to you , into your loving outstretched arms. Knowing you would protect me with all you had , i always ran back. You are my safe heaven , i could always run back. So i took you for granted,without calling it quits , i used you , cheated on you and still wanted you to play the part of a lover when need be . If you haven't noticed by now, I am a horrible , horrible, horrible person .

Yet , your love was enduring , patient, kind and long suffering . Not once did you call me a slut or a whore or a tramp . You didn't break up with me either , you didn't cheat on me . You were faithfull even when  i was unfaithfull. You didn't stop providing , didn't stop loving , didn't stop giving. You gave your all , for me. You called me precious , flawless , loved , royalty and you didn't fail to treat me like one.

Your love cannot be expressed by words as words truly are insufficient, your actions said more than enough , your actions showed more than  enough. You left your kingdom, your castles , your riches and power and decided to live like me , to be keen to me, the filty , poor , undeserving me. Not once did you complain, i became rude and didn't show you respect but you didn't complain, i was mean  unbelieving , and unlovable ,yet you never once stoped loving me . My heart was  Pitch-Black, yours was so Pure .

Payday came close , You were going to die , you knew that you were going to die right from the start , that you would  " ...pour your life unto death. ". You were only thirty three  yet  you were willing to lay it all down for me. For someone as filty as i , you once again , gave your all. Oh ,... how your precious body was wounded, marred and torn for me. You bore shame , sorrow , affliction , iniquity and transgression which was all mine , you did it just for me. You were so perfect that only you could pay the tab on payday . The tab was mine alright , but i didn't have a dime to pay , i still can't pay you back . While you were in pain before you died , i denied you , ran from you, offered you for a false trial, spat on you and didn't value your worth. I could see but i was blind, i could hear but i was deaf.

You Died . You Died .You Died....Did i mention that He is God , that he is immortal . Yet He became mortal for me , to die for me , because he knew that the price for my sins was more than i could bear . That  a perfect God , could love a sinful mortal  is so wonderful  and surpasses all human understanding . He died but He arose , Just as he said he would .Death couldn't hold him because he is God Almighty. He paid the price for me and now am debt free but he didn't go home immediately , he came around and opened my eyes to see him for him. To see that he aint like me, that He,is always perfect , that he would always love me, that he was always there for me , that i never have to fear payday because he already paid the tab in full. Now , you didn't get a great deal because am a player,  am prone to cheat on you ,you know that but you still want me , still desire me, and still choose me. You placed the most expensive ring on my finger and told me to wait , to wait patiently, that you are coming back to take me to you , so that where you are , there i may also be.

There's a limit to how far you can run from true love .I ran , ran and ran  but it caught me, love caught me ,and changed me. Now i spend my days waiting , waiting for my love who is love , waiting for him who i once took for granted, waiting with my fellow friends who have the same story as i. We wait for the one our soul loves.

The night is getting darker and i am being maltreated by my previous lovers because i decided to be faithful , to drop my former affairs and one night stands. Yet in the midst of the pain and suffering, i still hear your sweet, sweet voice and still feel your comforting hands . For you didn't leave me alone , your angels are watching over  me , your spirit lives within me , it guides me , it keeps me and i still hear your sweet voice , still read your letters which are light to my feet in the darkness. So until the day , My King , My Love , My Friend and My God comes , i will wait. I have no reason to complain because now i finally see that you went through  a whole lot more for me.

So till when i see you face to face , till the day i get to be with you , i will wait , even to my very last breath, to my last song and even when the last fibre of my soul is gone . To you who taught me what love is, i hence pledge my undying love to you , and only you . 

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