Introduction: Feliciano's Friend

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Walking to school with my friend Feliciano, I wondered how his friend would be. Today he was going to introduce me to his friend. He told me we would get along as he likes anime and manga, we're both very introverted and so many other things that I can't remember because Feli was talking to fast for me to keep up with.  

When we got to school, he ran to the lunch tables, and I followed. "Come on-a (Y/n)! Hurry-a up!", he yelled. When I finally got to where he was, a boy with black hair and dark brown eyes smiled at me ask said,"Herro... My name is Kiku Honda, nice to meet you. Fericiano has tarked to me about you... What is your name?" "Hi...Um...My name is (Y/N)", was all I manged to stutter. 

Feli noticed how nervous I was and said," (Y/N) also goes to the school's anime club!" " Wow... you rike anime?", said Kiku. I nodded. " Rearry?!? What anime do you watch?", he asked. " Well...", I started," I watch Soul Eater, Attack on Titan, Ouran High School Host Club...", I said." Wow! Those are my favorite anime!", he said.

I could still see Feli grinning from where I was, and then the bell rang to got to class. "Um... courd you herp me? I'm new here, and I don't know were my crasses (classes) are." I nodded. Kiku was a quiet, calm person. I would be glad to be able to help him. "Sure... Can I see your schedule?", I asked. He handed me a white sheet of paper of all his classes. Those classes seemed familiar... Then it hit me.      " Oh wow! We have the same classes!", I said looking at all his classes one by one. Kiku smiled. " I am grad (glad! LOL) that we have the same crasses", he said. And with that, we walked to our first class!

We both had math first. I honestly didn't like math as much as all my other classes, but I still liked it. The math teacher introduced Kiku to the class, and she assigned him to sit next to me. I would tell Kiku where his classes were and other things. He knew there was an anime club at school, and asked me when the got together and where. "The anime club is held in class room 3 after school at 4. You also need to turn in a permission slip. We can get on for you after school if you like. They're in the of office. Tomorrow is Thursday, when the club meets.", I informed him. "Oh. Okay. I think I remember where the office is.", he said

When lunch time arrived, we walked to the table where me and Feli sit. "Oh! (Y/N)! Kiku! Hi!", Feli said, waving his hand high for us to see. I could tell Kiku giggled at how funny Feli looked, waving his hand even though weren't that far away. We had fun, just talking, when the Ludwig, the boy that was super athletic walked up to us and said," Hello Kiku. My name is Ludwig. Nice to meet you." Ludwig was Feli's best friend,ven though I don't understand how to VERY different people could be best friends.

When lunch was over, me and Kiku walked over to our next class. I LOVED this class! It was art! I loved drawing manga characters! I think I showed my excitement to much though, as Kiku said," You rike art, am I correct?" 

At the end of the school day, we went to Feli's last class to wait for him. I always went walking with Feli, as his house was always on the way to mine, and Kiku's was too, apparently. When Feli came, we all walked together. We got to Feli's house first, so me and Kiku had to walk  together. We talked about so many things, and Feli was right! We DO have many things in common! When I got to my house, Kiku waved goodbye and said," Thank you for herping me today. See you tomorrow (Y/N)-chan!

Today was a good day

I already have a Japan x Reader story on Quotev, and it's different. If you wanna see it, it's by the same name : P

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