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Don't you sometimes... Or most of the time feel so lonely that it actually hurts? I do...always...even if I have people around me...

I'm always alone...whether I am at home or school.....always be...

I won't talk to anyone unless I am spoken to. I'm polite, although inside my mind I'm rude as hell. I am short but don't take be lightly. Usually people think that they have fooled me, when it was I who have fooled them.

I just want a true friend....a friend who will actually text me without me texting them first. A friend who actually cares and will always be there for me....I'm strong but not strong enough......weak

I sometimes hate myself... For how I am...who I am and to why I am here...I just wish I could disappear...disappear into thin air...

I'm not suicidal, no. I would never hurt my own body....


My heart hurts, and I find it hard to eyes red from all the crying.... I don't cry myself to sleep...although sometimes I wish I's hard to sleep knowing that you are in pain.......I will always tell myself that it gets better...

~Drown me out,
After all of this pain you won't see me.

Drown me now,
Through the fire and the smoke you can breathe me,

Drown me out~

I'm useless....worthless... Nothing...I'm just a girl trying to make herself happy by forcing people to actually talk to her, I'm such a bother...bother...

I'm done writing I'll write again...when my emotions... Would like to share how they feel....

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