Untitled Rules (sample)

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Copyright © 2013 IDaireYou (J.B. Roberts)

All Rights Reserved.

FYI, this is a test chapter. I wanted to try the story out and see how poeple liked it, so if anybody votes or comments positively about it, I'll continue writing to their wishes. If, not, I'll leave it the way it is. Thanks for your time guys! Hope you enjoy.


COPYRIGHT: This story "Untitled Rules" including all chapters, prologues/ epilogues and associated content (i.e. fanfics, teasers and content within blogs, social networks and eReaders) is copyrighted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work (J.B Roberts) and unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as infringement of copyright. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.



THE MAN SQUINTED at his wrist watch, awaiting the time to move. His thoughts were jumbled; but he could care less. For reasons he couldn't explain, he felt nervous meeting his next patient. He knew something was different about her; as did many of the other staff members at Series Mental Hospital. It wasn't like she was mentally challenged, much like his other patients, but more... abnormal.

The second hand ticked off endlessly, torturing him. He looked away from his watch and looked around his office. The room was full of calming colors, a way to sooth his patients as he worked with them. The walls were a beige tan, the trimming and door a soft bamboo brown. His desk was modern brown, with a high standard state of the art computer system and software. The hospital stayed above other technologic companies, with their own technology and security system. They had eccentric furniture, in which they allowed only certain patients to use, oddly. His plush sofa seated four people, where as he only needed one. His armchair rested beside his desk, a mat under the desk that runs along the carpet ending a few feet away length-wise from the sofa, so the chair could move through the room with ease. He had spotted plants by his desk, and a mahogany bookshelf housing more than just mere books and paperbacks.

When he arrived ten years before, he had hung the same portrait on the far wall. It was of a forest floor, with simple symbols drawn into the dirt and sand. He had received it from his work, as a gift. The rest of the staff had similar portraits, most of them either at their offices or in the apartments.

Those who worked at the Hospital were not permitted to leave. If necessary, than the staff member must be accompanied by a guard. The hospital was very secure, for almost half of the inhabitants were mentally challenged; there for they would seek the need to escape at times. The hospital was something like a prison for the patients, but he had never needed to leave. He found comfort within the walls, unlike others. The rest of the staff could agree with him, for they are well paid, got to live in well furnished and supplied homes and their work never seized to annoy them. They thought of the place as a safe haven, compared to the outer world beyond the gates of the Series Mental Hospital. The world on the other side was too dangerous to live in any longer.

The world had changed from the way most have loved. Creatures live amongst the humans. Monsters from fairy tales have been proved to be none- hoax. But other creatures, none seen before their time, have appeared. Most of the creatures come at night, but some live through the light. Some think they were demons, or mutated paranormals. But no one knows for sure, unless they take others knowledge into consideration. What almost everybody knows, though, is that scientists had mutated beings, humanoids or paranormals, unforeseen truths surround the world now. The only safe place is either the Hospital or the city of Kodiak. The patients have no knowledge of the outer world, and that is one thing they are trying to keep secure. And he knew that much for sure. He was glad to be in the hospital. The Night-stalkers and the other minions of the night such as Rabids, Bedevils, and other monsters, roam the lands.

Untitled RulesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora