Prologue Chapters

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Chapter I

January 1st-7:30 am

"Hey Steph! Stephanie!" I heard as I awoke from my deep sleep to see me squadmate Nathan. His brown hair and green eyes looked nice in the light of the military base we were established in.

"Yeah?" I answered in a sleepy voice.

I often slept in the base when there was little going on. Ever since humanity fought off the Hybrids, and the Klaxians returned to their home world of Klax V, things had been quiet for the most part. Other than the occasion insurgency uprising.

However, I knew from the look in Nathan's eyes that something new was going on, the question was...what?

"We're wanted in the briefing room" he replied in a blank tone of voice.

As I got out of the military cot, I brushed my short hair to the side as I did all the time. As I did this, I noticed Nathan giving me a stare with a small smirk on his face, a look he gave me often. I couldn't tell if he was into or what, he was always so off to the side and distant. So I left him that way. I figured if he was into me, he would say it himself.

As we walked into the briefing room together, I noticed the rest of my squad there as well.

There was Trinity, a tall woman, in her mid 20s that was our sniper and 2nd in command. She was always a little to herself and kept quiet about the things that bothered her. The few times she did lead the squad, she would often disobey orders to get the job done. Honestly, she could be a bit a bitch sometimes, but who was I to judge? Her long black bangs that hung from her face completed her bitchey look.

Next to her stood our squad leader, Christopher. He was almost a little short to be a Spec Ops marine. But despite his petite size, he was a capable soldier who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. On a few missions, he even beat a few guys to death. Even though he could beat the living crap out of you, he's a decent guy. He just has that comfortable feeling when your around him. His curly black hair and hazel eyes make him even easier to get along with.

"Hey, what's happening guys?" Chris said as he walked over to the galaxy map and brought it up. The question kind of caught me off guard.

"Nothing much." Nathan replied lightly.

All Trinity did was look at us with the same dull look she always gave us. God was she hard to read.

"Stephanie?" I heard Chris say as his voice interrupted my thoughts toward Trinity.

"Huh? Oh I'm good." I said finally.

"Good to hear. Well, from command, we got a mission earlier that they want done." Chris said.

"And this mission is...?" Trinity said giving Chris a glance.

"Well, a recent mining station has went dark on Venus." Chris replied.

"Well that's...uneventful." Was all I could say.

"It's better than being shot at." Nathan said giving me a nudge. "So, how are we getting there?" He asked, directing his question to Chris.

"Well that's the interesting part," Chis began. "We're going to tag along on the

"Winter Heart" for a couple weeks.

Nathan and I both had the same look of shock on our when we heard this.

"You mean the Winter Rose war frigate?" Trinity said as she glared at Chris from behind her bangs.

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