If Gravity Would Allow

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Thinking about submitting this. Had to do alot of tweaking and whatnot. I just need some outside opinions. I'd appreciate some feedback. (: thank you

And I'm aware of some of the errors in this story...

Autocorrect can be a pain..


I hate mirrors. Mirrors have in fact been my worst enemy for as long as I could remember. They possessed the flaws and imperfections of myself that I will forever despise. Mirrors are evil and conniving. They are heartless and cruel, much like Jade Summers. She's the reason I'm cowering in the school's restroom during prom.

I have never been more humiliated in my life, and these mirrors were taunting me. Each time I glanced up at myself, I could hear them echoing those ugly words Jade spat out at me in front of the entire junior class, including Derek.

I shook my head at the thought of him and gripped the sides of the sink a little harder. He only asked me to prom out of pity. I doubt he had any previous thoughts about going with me. He never even noticed me until Jade released a recording of me confessing my lifelong crush on him. I'm sure if he had never heard it, he would've gone with Jade. They were made for each other. Their dazzling blue eyes and shiny blonde hair practically screamed perfection.

Why am I such an idiot? I should've known going to prom with Derek would backfire on me.

Once again I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. The sight of me almost brought tears to my eyes.

You're weak Kennedy. You always have been.

I can't take it anymore. I am weak. I'm letting a mirror control me. I'm letting everyone control me. I wonder if anyone would even take notice if I were to disappear. Would anyone care?

"I'd care," I heard a voice say. I turned, startled and confused at the deepness it held. My brown eyes widened in surprise. "Derek?"

He gave me a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "You were talking to yourself," he explained. I just stood and stared at him as if I had forgotten how to speak. Even if I could, what would I say? I had nothing to say to him.

His smile gradually faded as he searched my face. "Are you okay?" he asked me softly.

I held the urge to scoff. Am I okay? Well of course I am. I just ran in the restroom to hide from the insensitive witch who bluntly embarrassed me in front of the whole junior class. Of course I'm okay. I'm just holding back tears because I feel worthless and helpless and alone. Isn't it obvious that I'm okay? I'm doing just dandy.

However, I remained silent and bit my tongue to retain myself from speaking. My eyes wandered to the floor so I didn't have to watch his face fall. I didn't want his pity. I didn't want anything from him.

I was absolutely positive I had annoyed him with my silence and I waited for him to walk out the door so he could tell everyone what a stubborn loser I was. Seconds seemed to last for eternity as I felt his lingering gaze burn through my head. I kept my eyes on the floor and prayed that he would leave. Please leave. He didn't leave though. Instead he stayed and continued to stare at me. I could feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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