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Jude let out a sigh, struggling to adjust his suit, and tie his tie...this was due to the fact that any second his boyfriend would arrive to his home.He was extremely nervous for the LGBTQ Prom that Cole was hosting.

See...this was his first public outing with Connor as a couple, since their entire school found out under certain pretenses. Although he was overwhelmed with nerves, the fact that they'd be in a room with accepting people in similar situations (but different) than their own had put him at ease...

To a certain extent.

He was still stressing, making the last adjustment to his tie and running a shaky hand through his hair before his bedroom door creaked open...revealing the one person that always managed to, in a way, take his breath away.

Jude smiled...looking Connor up and down in confusion. He pointed and gestured to Connor's choice of attire,"Is that what you're wearing?" He questioned.

Left without a response, he chimed in again, saying,"I know that Cole said it was semi-formal black tie...but-" He was cut off by his boyfriend.

"" Connor started,"I didn't want my dad to know where I was going, so....I brought some stuff." He finished off, lifting his fit arm to reveal a bag of his supposed clothes.

Jude nodded in understanding.

"You look...great" Connor gloated, admiring his boyfriend's fitted black suit that suited him well, his gelled back hair and his grin that left Connor wide-eyed and overcome with emotion.

"Thanks." Jude responded, taking one last glimpse in the mirror before returning his attention to his boyfriend.

"I was going to get you a corsage...but I found something better." Connor bragged, lifting out what appeared to be a shirt into view of Jude.

Jude's eyes widened as he read the words on the front of the shirt...

I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is.

"Erm......" Jude faded off, not exactly sure how to respond to the strange gesture.

"I thought it would last longer..." He admitted , looking down,"It's a joke." Connor pleaded, a look of embarrassment spread across his facial features.

"I got it." Jude stated...still taking in the words on the shirt.


"And look at our beautiful boys!" Lena's mother exclaimed in excitement as Jude and Connor made their way down the stairs.

Everyone's heads turned to face the two lovestruck boys, smiling and commenting on how amazing they both looked.

Connor made his way down the entirety of the stairs, interlocking his fingers with Jude's and smiling contently.

"Okay now smile boys!" Steph exclaimed, snapping as many pictures as she possibly could before they missed their ride to the dance.

"Okay now Jude, look at Connor like you're seeing him for the first time and you're like,'Oh my god he's sooooooo handsome!'" Steph used hand gestures to make her point, Lena rolling her eyes in amusement at her wife's actions.

They took one more group picture before heading off to the dance.

To say they were both nervous was a major understatement. Neither boy knew what to expect until their car pulled to a stop outside of Anchor Beach...overwhelming flashing lights and blasting music shook the ground.
Both shared a glance before hopping out of the car, and making their way into the dance.
When Jude and Connor walked inside, they immediately  took in their surroundings. A bunch of people, exactly like them dancing around, enjoying not only their night...but being themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2015 ⏰

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