L A T E - 1

14 0 0

"shit shit shit shit shit shit shit"

I was, in this moment, running to class because the school bus system seemed to have failed me once again! I had just about reached the school when I heard the school bell ring! And just my luck, the gates were being locked!

"Please the bell has just rung, I'm here now! The bell has just gone!" I pleaded, this is the typical morning start.

"Now Rosie, we go over this every morning. And unfortunately this time it will be a detention!" Miss Smith stated, I couldn't handle her some mornings! She's so patronising and just thinks everyone loves her.

"Fine!" She opened the gate and handed me the detention and with one final glare off to class I went. I wasn't really all that bothered about getting the detention, it was the waiting an hour after school and doing fuck all!

I reached the door and sighed. 'Do I really wanna go in?' I thought. I sighed and sat against the door. 'What am I actually doing with my life?' and 'What is your life even about?' all a bit too deep for my thought length.

"What the fuck are you doing down there?!" I snapped out of my train of thought to see a pair of combat boots and skinny jeans. I then looked up to see this tall figure looking down on me. I didn't recognise him at all.

"Ummm I don't really know!" I chuckled at the though of what i was doing and pulled myself up off the ground.

"Well I'm in this class so if you don't mind moving!" He gestured his hands to the side. What a cheeky cunt.

"So am I, don't feel special." "Ok well as much as i love this banta we have i would really appreciate getting to class, thanks" The sarcasm in his voice pissed me off. I just walked in and I could practically feel his eye roll.

"Oh nice for you two to finally join us!" Miss Brown snapped. I was hesitant to sit down until Miss Brown snapped again "Rosie, Michael sit down!" All eyes were on us as we made our way to our seats.

The lesson dragged as per. Then the bell finally rang. I gathered up my stuff.

"Dude why were you so late?"
"Shut up Luke!" Oooo Michael
"Were you with her?" Luke questioned now gesturing towards me. How could he even think that? I found myself scoffing and rolling my eyes.

"In her dreams." Michael smirked. I could feel his eyes on me now, that's when I turned and walked up to him.

I walked up to him until, we were almost inches apart. I could feel his heat radiate off his body.

"More like nightmares" and with that I left.


And so it begins!

Im so happy that I'm starting fresh and if you didn't know this is a re-write of "GIRL" so I hope i can finish!

(ignore all spelling mistakes because my spelling is not on fleek lol)

thank you for reading, if you did x

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