Chapter 1

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   When I was 13, me (Elizabeth Johnson) and Nicholas Black had an unbreakable friendship like no other. We were with each other everyday, we did the same things everyday , but never got tired of each other.

     When our friends seen us together 24/7 they always suspected that there was more then a friendship between me and Nicholas. But we were only 13, I mean what could possibly be going on. I believe deep down we loved each other and both knew it. But we were great friends and loved it that way.

      One day Nicholas and I were alone , hanging out like we did every other day.

      "Elizabeth? Can I take you somewhere ? I think you'll love it."  Nicholas had said to me.
I was wondering what he could possibly want to show me. "Of course Nicholas" I said to him. Right after I had told him yes, a big smile had shown upon his face. Not just any smile he'd usually have. It was a special one. He had only ever have a big smile like that when he had felt special or something great had just happened. When I seen him smile like that to me. He mad ME feel special.

    After we were walking, Nicholas had pulled out a blue bandana and wrapped it around my eyes so I wouldn't see where he wanted to take me until he wanted me too. "You're okay , I got you... I promise." Nicholas had said after he grabbed my hand and led me to the "secret place" . Nicholas had finally took the bandana off my eyes , and my mouth dropped when I saw where we were , a place I've never been.

      "Do you like it ?" He asked. "I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT" I had said loudly in excitement. We were at this huge lake. It had like this really pretty / small waterfall , a rope swing (which I have never been on one) , and there was a zip line ! I have never been to a place like this before. And I felt so special that he would take me here. "Your the only person I've ever taken here Elizabeth, u don't realize how special you really our to me" after he had said that , a big smile appeared on my face , and then one appeared on his. I think he realized  how great his words actually made me feel. He was one of the few that could do that.

  We started walking around the lake and he kept looking at the rope swing. "I've never been on one" I told him. "Well I hope you're prepared" he said to me. I had a confused look on my face.


Nicholas had pushed me into the lake , which was at least 10 feet. I was in regular day clothes. It felt good, it was 100° outside that day. Nicholas had gotten on the rope swing right after and screamed "YAAHOO" and jumped in off the rope. At that point we were both in the lake. Paddling to stay above water. And at that moment we were staring deep into each others eyes. Nicholas had leaned in and kissed me. So many thoughts were going threw my mind. It was my FIRST kiss , and it was his too. "I'm happy I had my first kiss with you Elizabeth, you really do mean a lot to me" he said.
"I agree" I told him, after we had gotten out and sat on the bench.

"Elizabeth ?" , "yeah Nicholas?"
"Can I tell you something I've never told anyone before?" He asked me. I was really curious on what it could be about.  "Yeah , sure" I said back to him.

"Well I know I literally just had my first kiss not even 10 minutes ago but i always thought about how I wanted to loose my virginity when I'm older. Like I don't wanna be like other guys Liz you know ? Some of my friends already had sex , and with girls they don't even communicate with anymore. I don't wanna be one of those guys. I want it to be with a girl I'll love for the rest of my life. I don't want it to be where I just take her to my room. No , I want it to be special. I want it to be .. Perfect . My friends might think I'm a "faggot" because I'm not like them but you know what ? I don't care! Honestly I have it all planned out on how I want it to happen"  when Nicholas had said that to me I was shocked , I thought it was really cute too.
     " I think it's great nick , honestly. Do you mind telling me what you have planned out"
I asked him with a soft voice.
"Well I already told you this much why not keep going huh? Well I said I want it to be special. Well I want to be 16-18 I'll wait after 18 if I don't love anyone at the time but anyways let me get started. Well I'm gonna have my truck, a big, nice, red one. She's going to be in the passenger seat ..." I cut him off saying "HOLD UP ! You wanna have sex in you truck??" He started laughing and I was confused for some odd reason. " no Liz let me finish. So anyways I'll be DRIVING while she's in the passenger seat and I'll be driving with one hand and have my other arm around her. We'll be driving to the beach , in south beach Miami (were we live) around 7pm. Once we get there well walk along the beach , I'll hold her in the low end of the ocean . And Throw water on her. After were done playing around , we'll watch the beautiful sunset, laying down on a blanket on the sand while her heads on my chest. Once it gets dark well leave the beach and I'll take her back to my house where there's candles lite and it'll just happen like that." After I had heard this my heart dropped. It was the cutest thing I have ever heard in my life. "Oh my god aww, Nicholas that was the cutest think I've ever heard of , I hope that happens to you. But one thing ... Add rose pedals!" He started laughing. "I don't know Liz , rose pedals ? lil cheesy don't ya think? He asked . We both just laughed. "Sometimes I think that girls gonna be you Elizabeth." After he says this I was In shock. "Really? I mean honestly I would want to loose mine to you" I said . "Okay then let's settle it. We will make a promise to loose it to each other , when we're both ready , and of course when I have my truck !" I wanted to say yes in an excited way but I had to act calm. "Yeah nick , promise"

A couple days after nick knocked up on my door crying. I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him. We went on my steps and started talking. " I'm moving Elizabeth" he said . I was hoping to god it wasn't far but deep down I knew it was. "Los Angels Liz , Los freaking Angeles" we were in silence and both started crying together. When I found out the news i hadn't been that sad since I could remember. He had told me it was for his dad's business job. But that didn't help.

It was officially moving day for Nick. Before he left all our friends were at his house and he gave me the last goodbye. "I'll be back for you I promise Elizabeth. I promise" I was still sad but this made me a little better. " I'm gonna miss you so much Nicholas , I'll keep in touch every day" after that he officially left the state of Florida. And I couldn't believe it. We texted off our little flip phones each day but over the years due to miss communication we lost contact. I'm now 17 years old, senior year is about to start and its been 4 years since I've seen and communicated with my long lost best friend, Nicholas black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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