Chapter 1 Year "2034"

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The year is 2034,

A sunny day, at Danielle's house, it is the eve of the execution of the leading members of Organ28 where it is revealed that they destroyed the thousands of house in order to kill tens of thousands of innocents. During the execution, Organ28 members are each given one piece of a Time Travel device. Danielle notices this and yells that they have something causing her and her partner Elson to run forwards as the terrorists throw each part of the device into the central power beam in front of them. The device produces a small sphere of energy that teleports them backwards in time to 2014. Danielle wakes up in modern day New York and discovers that she in communication with Devin Rogers whom she met in 2034 as the head of the biggest corporation. She gives chase to David who she manages to get arrested for threatening police officers with a weapon. Meanwhile, the remaining terrorists break into a weapons shop and reveal that James did not make it through the time jump. The next day she goes to the site at which she and the terrorists had landed and meets Detective Adam Fonnegra, She manages to fake her way into the police department to interrogate David by pretending to be from the Maine police department. Afterwards she is called into to see Inspector Dan who is annoyed that the Maine police department had set up an operation in his territory without telling him. He almost blows Danielle's cover by phoning Portsmouth but is interrupted by the report that organ28 has attacked a police patrol and taken all of the weapons as well as setting off multiple bank alarms across the city. Danielle quickly figures out that the bank they are robbing is the final alarm to be triggered. After escaping the police ambush, Organ28 escapes into an abandoned building followed shortly by Danielle. After a brief firefight, Steve Blake is taken down by an electrical charge sent through some wire from Danielle's suit. Danielle is saved from a sneak attack from Steve by Adam while Peter, Molly and Chen escape. Danielle then asks Adam how many were in the bank and he replies just the three that they had just fought. Danielle then suddenly realises that the remaining members of Organ28 are attacking the precinct to rescue David from holding. The two of them return to find many people either wounded or being taken out on stretchers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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