The girl

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You're walking down the sidewalk, it's raining. Puddles cover the streets and little streams flow next to where you stand. New to Beach City, you find yourself lost, even though you bought a house there, you can't recall where it was.

Next to you is a donut shop, called "The Big Donut" it has a giant donut on the top. Next to it, is a hill, leading up to the lighthouse, it was on. The light inside it was spinning, giving light to the fisherman. You saw one earlier, just leaving the docks.

You walk around still lost, and wet. 'This sucks' you think to yourself as you walk by a pizza shop. Walking farther down the street, you walk past an alleyway. 'Short cut, maybe?' You think yourself as you begin to walk down it. As you get closer to the other side, you can see a figure sitting next to the pizza shops wall, talking to themselves. You walk never to them. "Hi." You say as you look down at them.

The figure looks up at you. She was green, and has some sort of upside down triangle on her forehead. She was wearing a visor and was crying. "Another dumb human..." She says to herself as she looks down at what appears to be a screen. "Could you help me?" You ask. She sighs "are all you humans too stupid to do simple tasks?" She says rudely. "Look, I just need help with directions, I'm lost." You say calmly even though she just called your species stupid.

"Ugh, if it will get you imbecile to stop annoying me with your problems." She says as she gets up. The screen she had with her is gone, and now are floating above where her hand should be.

"So you're gonna help?" You say excitedly. "Fine..." She says. 'Finally someone who will help me!' You think to yourself as you follow her out of the alleyway. "What pathway is your place of living on?" She asks. You tell her and her fingers become a screen again. She does something and it zooms in on a house. "That way" she points down the street to your house.

"Thank you!" You say happily. "I don't have any money, but I can offer you a place to stay. If you would like." You offer enthusiastically. "No." She says and walks away. "Wait!" You run to her and put your hand on her shoulder.
"Please, I can offer you food and shelter until the rain stops." You offer again. "No-" she is interrupted by thunder. She looks surprised as if not hearing thunder before. She stares at you. "Alright, let's go to your living quarters!" She says hastily. You smile and walk to your house. You unlock the door and let her in. She quickly walks in and looks around. You shut the door and walk in after.

"I'm only staying here until the 'rain' stops." She informs. "Alright" you reply. She sits on your couch. "Do you need anything? Food? water?" You ask happily.

"No." She makes her screen again. You walk over to her. "How do you do that?" You ask curiously. "Do what?" She asks as she swipes her screen. "You know, detach your fingers and make a screen?"

"That's none of your business." She says swiping the screen some more. "Ok, I'm sorry." You say as you walk over to your TV. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" You ask as you look through your movie collection. "What's a 'movie'?" She asks looking up for her screen. 'How doesn't she know what a movie is?' You think to yourself. "It's something you watch while you relax." You inform her. "Alright..." She says curiously.

You look through your movies and pick out horror movie. "How about this one?" You take it over to her.

She looks at the cover of it. "What is that red stuff coming out of that humans mouth?" She asks while squinting at it. "That's blood, if comes out of your skin when a part of you is badly damaged. But eventually it heals. So, wanna watch it?" You ask.

She nods. You proceed to put the movie in and turn off the lights. "Why did you turn off your lights?" She asks as you sit down next to her. "It allows you to see the movie better." You say with a smile.

By the end of the movie, the girl is holding on to your torso, shaking. "Why do humans find other humans pain and suffering fun?" She asks scared. "It's not real." You say and chuckle. "Are you scared?" You ask sincerely. "Of course not!" She exclaims.

"Then why are you hugging me?" You ask with a smile. She blushes and let's go of you. "I was not hugging you, I was..." She stuttered as her face became dark green. "Look it's alright" you say smiling. "It isn't real... What's your name again?"

"Peridot, I'm Peridot"

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