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My life has gotten a little crazy the past four years. It's hard to explain, so let me give you the whole story...from the beginning.

Hi, my name is Maya Irwin. I know what your thinking. "Oh my God is that Ashton Irwin's sister?!". Well yes, it is. No one really payed attention to me after my brother's band,5 Seconds of Summer, became famous. Everyone wanted to meet Ashton and his band mates or be around them 24/7 (including my friends).

Didn't I say I was going to start from the beginning? Yeah, I did, didn't I? Okay, I'm going to start now.

Ashton and I were never really close when we were younger. People would come up to us saying "Wow, you are both such fabulous children!" Which may have been true, but only because we pretended to love each other from the bottom of our hearts when we were in public. Other than that, we just canceled each other out. One day, about five years ago, our mother decided we needed to spend more time with each other. At first, it was absolutely miserable, but by the end of the year, we were practically best friends.

After that year, my brother's friend, Michael Clifford, asked if Ashton would join his small band. Since Ashton was only working at KFC, he thought that he could add some sort of excitement to his life. After Ashton's first practice, he came home with the biggest smile on his face. I'd never seen him happier.

On my side of the story it was pretty general for a teenage girl. Wake up, put on makeup, go to school, come home, eat dinner, hang with friends, then go to bed. Same routine over a and over and over again, nonstop. Then, Ashton became famous. Everything in my life went downhill. All of my friends asked me repeatedly "How's Ashton?" Or "When will Ashton have a solo in the songs?" Or "Your brother is amazing, you know that?". It was, and still is, the most annoying thing I have encountered. People just don't understand. I get picked on and bullied enough, so making Ashton seem like a better child, doesn't make things any easier. I'm still close to Ashton, don't get me wrong...but it feels different now. Like something's missing. I have a hole in my heart and I'm not quite sure how to fill it.

My brother and his band mates taught me a few things though, which is a plus. Michael taught me how to play guitar, and I know briefly how to play the drums. Calum even gave me some pointers on singing as well. I am kind of shy around Luke though. I have had a crush on him since the first time we met. When I watch them record music in the studio, or play gigs in Sydney, I have come to this weird habit of not being able to take away my eyes from Luke. The only problem, he absolutely hates me. I'm not quite sure why he does, but whenever I try and talk to him he glares at me and walks away. Why do boys have to be so complicated?

I have very many good friends, that I wouldn't trade the world for. One of them, mainly, is named Tatum. We go way back. Tatum and I first met at the Children's Hospital when we were about four. Yes, the hospital. I had broken my arm. As we were about to exit the building, I accidentally ran into a girl(Tatum) in a wheelchair. My mother felt bad, so we decided to go back into the hospital room and socialize. Turns out, Tatum has brain cancer. This cancer is located in a part of the brain that controls leg movement. She is incapable of walking. Ever since that day, Tatum and I have been best friends. We do everything together. Of course I have to push her around in her wheelchair, but I'm honestly fine with that. I get some arm strength out of it anyways, and that's always good.

I am a big fan of bands. This includes Green Day, Fall Out Boy, One Direction, and even Nirvana. Obviously, I'm 5SOS's biggest fan(besides Liz). I go to all of the concerts I can. Liz and I even have competitions sometimes to see who can be a bigger fan. Good times, good times. 5SOS forever!


Hello fellow 5SOS fans! So I am starting this new fanfiction, mainly because the other one that I wrote hasn't been very popular, so I'm hoping this one will! If you haven't read End Up Here (my other fanfic), feel free to read it! That would be gladly appreciated.

I would just like to point out that some of the information on here will be completely false, but some will be true. Hence the word 'fiction' in 'fanfiction'. So keep this in mind while I write this. I'm going to try and have Chapter 1 published in a week, but there are no promises.

Anyways, thanks for reading!
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