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the story of mr wentz and mr stump.

word count: 989

First Week - "Mr Wentz, have you seen the new science teacher?" I look up confused and shake my head. Ria points over to the classroom across from mine. The definition of perfect is writing his name on the whiteboard. Mr Stump.

2 days later - "Sir do you have a boyfriend?".Why did Harley always have to be so curious?!. I turned around and looked over to the classroom next to me and saw Patrick or Mr Stump as the students knew him as. I turned back around to face the students looking at me. I smiled weakly "No.".

1 month later - "Hey Sir why do you look so happy". Ah how nice of Charlie to notice that I was happier than usual. I turned around and once again looked across through the glass to the classroom next to mine to see Patrick sitting on his desk listening to a one of his students. I turned to face Charlie and said"Oh nothing really".

3 months later - "Mr Wentz, why are you grinning like the Cheshire cat?". I turned around to see Ryan looking at me like I was mad. I turned back to see Patrick smiling at me and holding up a whiteboard that said wanna come out after work? "Ryan I'm just happy that all of you are doing well". I look back to Patrick and nod.

1 week later - "Hey Pete, you ready to go?". I looked up from my desk to see Patrick standing at the door waiting for me so we could go to the pub. "Hey, just give me one minute".I try to hide the huge grin that developing on my face. "Hey you don't mind I invited some other friends". I look back up at him instead trying to disguise my sadness, "No that's cool"

1 month later - "Erm Sir, are you okay?".Sometimes I wonder why my students care so much about me. I look over to the classroom where Patrick is teaching and then look back at my students letting out a small sigh "I'm fine". I just wish I never saw Patrick kissing some guy.

3 weeks later -"Hey Pete, want to see my vacation pics". I look up to see Patrick smiling with his phone in hand. I nod. He shows me what seems like an endless stream of pictures of him looking happy with his boyfriend Tom. I just smile and say that it looks nice. He smiles and says he had an amazing time.

3 months later -"Hey Pete, can I talk to you." I look up to see Patrick standing by the door with tears in his eyes. I nod and he sits down. "Tom broke up with me, he cheated on me". My heart breaks as he starts to cry. I comfort him telling him it's okay and that Tom is losing out. Patrick says "Thanks Pete (banter)for being such a good friend". My heart breaks even more when he says friend.

1month later - "Wentzy, I'm glad you are happier again". I look to see Emily smiling at me. I look over to where Patrick is talking about some sort of science. I smile. "Yeah I have some new friends who are pretty great"

2weeks later - "Pete, erm I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink with me". I look up to see Patrick nervously rubbing his neck. "Sure, who else is coming?". Patrick looks down at the ground. "Er well erm I was hoping it would just be the two of us".I hold back a grin. "Sounds good"

1week later - "Sir have you got a boyfriend?". Why is this such a popular question? Oh it was Harley again I guess she is just inquisitive. I look over to Patrick and then turn back and smile. "As a matter of fact I do"

2weeks later - "Aw come on sir, just tell us his name". Why did this class care so much about my personal life? I turn to see my class looking up at me with questioning eyes. I look over to Patrick and he turns around and sees me and smiles. "I'm not going to tell you his name"

3months later - "Please sir it's been like 3 months just tell us his name". I sigh, these kids never give up. I look over so I can see Patrick and he pulls a funny face at me, I smile and think about how lucky I am. "Still not gunna say".

4months later - "Sir I'm begging you its been ages and you still haven't told us, all we want is a name!". I turn around and sigh."Fine, how about we make a deal, if I get engaged I'll tell you his name, okay?". My students smile and say deal. I look over to Patrick and a feeling of happiness and joy washes over me.

1month later - "I got engaged" I look at my class and they smile."So sir you have to stick to the deal, what's his name?". I look over to Patrick who is engrossed in a discussion his class is having, I smile. I then turn back to my class and say with a grin "Patrick,his name is Patrick"

2months later - "Wentz, are you ever going to tell us his last name". I stop writing on the board and let out a small laugh."You'll find out soon". I look over to Patrick smiling when I see the ring on his finger. "Only a few weeks now" I mutter to myself.

3weeks later - "Hey sir apparently Mr Stump got married and he is changing his name, do you know what we are meant to call him?". I look up and grin. "You are meant to call him Mr Wentz".


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