Entry One

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I miss her. I miss how we used to vent every night, how we would hug if the other was sad. I miss how she would tell me she loved me out of nowhere. I miss how she would make me laugh when it was obvious I was upset. I miss how she would tell me how happy I made her feel .. How special I was to her. I miss how she would text me asking if I was okay. I miss how she wasn't afraid to ask how I was. I miss her smile, her real laugh. I miss her voice and how she would say, "You're beautiful. I love you." I miss her.

Now she's not the same. Something had happened and she stopped showing her affection. She stopped hugging me on a daily bases, stopped saying she loved me. She stopped complimenting me, stopped smiling. Do we still talk? Yes. Are we still best friends? Of course! It's just... It isn't the same.

I've grown attached to her and I've fallen in love. She has eyes for another person, though, and I know I don't have a chance. That's okay though. I'm lucky to have her as my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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