A Wednesdays Thoughts

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There are so many people that go to a new school and immediately have more friends than I have in my entire life. I have always been at least a little bit jealous if these people. Usually they are good looking, have dazzling smiles, and have awesome social skills. Me on the other hand, take a while to make friends, but maybe what I call a friend isn't the same as the common definition. I'm not talking about the person you ride the bus with and make small talk everyday with. I'm not talking about your science partner who you have "known" for a few years but still hope they don't judge you when you make an awful grade on a test. And I'm not even talking about that person who you hang out with out side of school and talk with, but maybe hesitate before telling them something important or personal. I am talking about someone who you can spill your heart out to but don't need to because they can tell by just looking at you. You may have known them for 10 years or maybe just 10 days. Time is irrelevant, because you can trust them to things that you couldn't trust to yourself. With them you can have a whole conversation with your eyes and leave everyone else wondering if you are somehow telepathic. They are the people you wouldn't hesitate to take a bullet for but would have a hard time doing so because they would fight you for it. With them you can be so serious it feels like you could have just walked away from World War III, or so light hearted you are literally crying as you are laughing for 15 minutes until you forget what you were laughing about and start all over. This is what I call a friend. I may not have many but I know that it's impossible for me to lose them. No matter how weird or odd we are, we stick together as outcasts without "acceptable" social skills.Overall, I think that friends are probably the most important things to have, after God (but that's another days worth of thoughts), and they make you stronger and better than you could ever dream of being by yourself.

Or at least those are my thoughts. I hope you enjoyed them, hated them, agreed, disagreed, learned from them, or spat on them (well, mentally), but thanks for reading them. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and everything you think.

*As a sidenote, writing, especially texting/ electronicly writing, is not my thing. If you see any errors let me know where they are and how to fix them because I probably won't. Thanks again!!! XD

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