Chapter 1: Not a morning person

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A/n  this is my first fanfic ive ever written and its literally the cringiest story ever im so sorry, i might fix some chapters after i finish this book, idk. Also, that's McKenzie in the picture

McKenzie's POV:

"Get up and start cleaning my room!" My roommate banged on my closet door.

I rolled over and checked the clock beside me.

5:15 am. Shit.

I was suppose to get up at 5, like I do every morning and clean Charity's room ( my snobby roommate).

I threw the blanket off but hit the wall with my hand on accident. I ignored the pain, opened the closet doors and stepped into the dimmly illuminated room. I guess you could say I came out of the closet.

But yes, I slept in the closet, and have been since I first arrived here when I was 10.

That was 6 years ago.

I was walking towards the bathroom but Charity stepped in front of me before I could reach the door.

"Uh, what do you think you're doing?"

I pointed towards the bathroom with my head down, suddenly very interested in the floor boards beneath my feet.

Did I mention that I don't talk?

Life seems easier if I just don't say anything. I have a lesser chance of messing up or embarrassing myself.

"You're not allowed to use this bathroom anymore. Use the one in the hall, mute."

I hated that nickname almost as much as I hated her.

I turned on my heel and walked out of the room. Before I shut the door, I heard Charity yell, "I'm going shopping and when I get back, I expect this room and my bathroom to be spotless!"

Who goes shopping at 5:30 in the morning?

I shut the door in response and walked to the janitors closet down the hall.

When I opened the door to it, I was greeted with a musty smell and my beloved radio, sitting on the floor behind the mops.

I'm the only one who does the cleaning here so no one would be able to find it anyways.

I take the small radio and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I learned my lesson the first time I forgot to lock the door. I had been here almost 3 years, so when I was in the shower that day, Charity snuck in the bathroom and ripped the curtain off of its hooks and took a picture of me. She always uses that against me now, saying that if I don't do what she says, she'll show everyone and post it on the internet.

That's also the reason I have to sleep in a damn closet.

I turn on the shower and plug in the radio, turning it up a little bit so only I could hear it.

I stepped into the cold shower (another one of Charity's rules, I can't use hot water) and started washing my hair and body with hand soap. I wasn't allowed to get a job unlike the other girls, so I had to use whatever I could find around the building, since I didn't have money to buy my own stuff and nobody would share.

Music was my only escape from this cruel and abusive world. It made me feel like I was free.

I sighed as I stepped out of the shower, turning my radio off. I went to grab my robe when I realized that I had forgotten it in my closet.

Ah crap.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, slowly opening the door and checking to see if there was anyone in the hall ways.

All clear.

I slowly stepped out of the bathroom.

When I passed the stairs on my way to my room, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped and turned around. Charity stood there with a fake sad look on her face. "Aww poor McKenzie forgot her robe. There's some more downstairs, want me to go get it?" She asked with a fake smile. Her hand was still on my shoulder.

"No? Okay, maybe you should get it yourself!"

Before I could react, she pushed me and I started falling down the stairs.

When I landed, my head hit the wall and I felt very dizzy. I looked up to see Charity standing at the top of the staircase, laughing. She started walking down it and when she got to me at the bottom, she ripped my towel away from me. I gasped in surprise.

"Oh look, mute McKenzie actually CAN make a noise! You probably don't have the brains to speak actual words though. Must have inherited your stupidity from your dead parents, hm?"

A million insults races through my mind but yet I still said nothing. I thought about getting up and lunging at her but when I tried to move, I crumpled back down to the floor in pain.

Charity smirked at me then walked out the front door.

I grabbed my towel from the floor and tried to get up. Pain shot through my ribs and my ankle but I didn't care, I needed to get upstairs and clean before she got home.

Don't think about the pain, don't think about your parents or your life. Don't cry, if they hear you cry, they will do much worse than push you down the stairs. Don't cry, don't cry. I kept telling myself but it was inevitable.

I went into my closet, changed and collapsed.

I woke up 4 house later to my closet door nearly being ripped off the hinges. I bolted up from the floor and looked up to see the she devil standing there looking furious.

I forgot to clean.

Instead of yelling at me, Charity slammed the door closed and walked out of the room.

That was unusual.

Hey everyone its Kelsey, 1/2 owners of this account. I took a break for a couple of months from wattpad but now I'm back and have been inspired! McKenzie getting adopted will be on the next chapter, which I'll be starting right now! I'll probably finish it in about a half hour or so and then I'll post it when I'm done, I just didn't want this chapter to be too long. p.s., picture of McKenzie is there! Anyways, thanks for reading!

- Kelsey (Lovelyrebel22) ❤

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