Too late

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Kuroko-centric, OOC characters (intentional to fit the plot) and a Kuroko that contradicts himself sometimes. Confusing notes here and there for deciphering. Probably bad ending too.



The heavy lighting bore on his face and his jersey stuck onto his back like second skin. His hand pushed the ball upwards towards the rim of the basketball hoop, avoiding a certain someone's fingers that was raised for defense. A huge shadow then leaped into the air, coursing the ball in the right direction and into the hoop as the final buzzer sounded through their ears.


The giddiness of joy was overwhelming as he watched the gold and silver confetti flutter to the floor. The board blinking in bright red, showing the final scores of the first and second places. Soon, everyone was charging up to them, shouting in joy and embracing one another, basking themselves in victory.

He was no exception.

He finally did it. He proved it. Individual play is not as strong as team play. He pushed everyone back to how they were previously. People that will play as a team again, go for practices even if it is just to watch, not look down on others or overestimate their own abilities. Well, maybe.

But then...

His team was huddled in a circle, tossing their coach up as they cheered loudly. At least, he knew that he finally had his first-ever team back, as well as a entirely new group of teammates that he can confidently call friends. He stood of at a far end, watching with a smile at the joyful scene his eyes could capture.

He could hear footsteps approaching him. Seems like the others did too as they put their coach onto the floor and looked towards his direction. His former captain, with a beaten-up face, lifting his hand to congratulate him. His smile, it was back, and it relieved him. "It's your win, but prepare yourselves, we're going to win it the next round."

Should he be happy? In a blur, he replied. "Maybe, but the next would never wait for me." He smiled forcefully and balled his fist, realising that it was not as tight as before. He laughed darkly to himself, ignoring the confused stares his team is giving him. "Eh? What do you mean? Obviously we'll still play basketball together!" Kagami punched him on his back.

Suddenly, his eyelids got heavier and his eyes turned blurry. A sudden pain in his chest pounded harshly against his ribs. He grabbed his chest tightly and heaved harder, trying to take in as much oxygen as he can. His head spun like crazy and the dizziness was no longer from the happiness of victory. His hand reached out for some support, which was Akashi, and his hold was painful. Akashi winced a little but left his hand there. He could not think of anything as air got cut from him and he falls forward, his eyes rolling to the back. The last thing he could hear was, "KUROKO!"


He should have known better than to push himself so hard. This is not his first attack, neither would it be his last. However, if it is to put his friends back on track, this would pretty much be worth it. He continued swimming in the darkness, enjoying the cool feeling that blew by his consciousness. It was uncalled for when a bright light engulfed his eyes and a disgusting smell wafted into his nose.

He wrinkled his nose and opened his eyes. Wait, he shut it back as soon as the light blinded him. The sound of beeping could be heard as well as anxious voices that chanted his name. He tried prying his eyes again, successfully this time. In front of his eyes were a few of his friends. Is the coach considered his friend?

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