Form for your OC

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You can have up to three OCs entered at a time.
For Humans: You can still have three regardless.
For Gem OCs:One would have to be a fusion unless you want two entered without a fusion.

If you email me a picture of your OC (Email is in the discription of the story) and comment the dicription, I can use the Picture for the Chapter cover of the short story!
(PS, if you do not put your Wattpad screen name in the subject of the email, I cannot use it.)

When I create the short stories, there will be a different book, this one is just to get the OCs flowin' for it. Just so you know, after so many OC have been submitted, I will post a update that will explain that I'm no longer accepting them, and will be picking the lucky ten that will be included in my book! (Fusions do NOT count as characters, so if I pick two of a person's character, their fusion is automaticly added into the book.)

Species: (Human/Gem)
(Gems Only)Side: (Homeworld/Crystal Gems/None)
(Gems Only)Weapon:
Fusions: (with other Oc/Crystal Gems or Homeworld Gems)
Relationship: (If any. Can be w/ Homeworld Gem, Crystal Gem, Human, ect.)

Also, if your OC is 'in love' with a character from the show or another one of your characters, tell me! The short story can be the shipping between them if you want!

Steven Universe OCsWhere stories live. Discover now