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When Theo saw Stiles walk into the animal clinic he quickly switched back to his second personality, 'What's going on?'.
Stiles barged through knocking Theo's shoulder on the way past,
'Whoever's stealing the bodies is probably not gonna do it while we're standing guard over them'
'You got a better idea?' Theo smirked. Stiles hated how cocky he was.
He looked around for a suitable place and then placed his phone on the shelf overlooking the chimera's corpse.
Theo underestimated Stiles sometimes.

They walked back to Stiles Jeep where they could watch the footage and hopefully find out who was stealing the bodies. They knew they probably wouldn't find anything but it was worth a shot. After adjusting the screen so they both could watch, Theo turned and asked 'what happens now?'.
'...wait' stiles replied, wasn't it obvious. Ugh he really hated this guy.
'Wanna take shifts watching?'
'No, no I wanna spend some quality time with you.' Stiles rolled his eyes.
Theo nodded his head, for a moment he stopped to check if he was being serious, then he remembered, it was Stiles.
'Sounds good to me.' Theo genuinely meant it but he said it to get on Stiles nerves, he could tell he had a bit of a crush on Theo since day one.
Theo noticed for a moment that Stiles' heartbeat raced for a second, and smirked, knowingly.

After a moment of silence, Theo decided to break the tension, 'still wondering why I haven't said anything to Scott?'
'Maybe..' Stiles looked at him out of the corner of his eye genuinely wondering why he hasn't said anything.
'Think I've got some kind of.. ulterior motive?' He didn't know why but he actually felt sad that Stiles hated him so much but he pushed it to the back of his mind.
'More than likely' stiles replied in his usual sarcastic tone.
'Would you believe me if I said all I want.. All I've ever wanted was for you guys to trust me?' He turned to look at Stiles.
'Nope.' Why was he so hurt by Stiles reply?
'So your here because your never going to trust me? Theo raised one eyebrow, turning fully to face Stiles.
'Yep, glad we had this talk.'
Theo turned back around shaking his head and smirking.
'You know who you remind me of?'
Stiles took a deep breath, 'Theo I don't care.'
Theo turned to face him, 'my sister.'
Stiles paused taken aback by his answer.
'She was smarter than everyone too. And a pain in the ass like you.' Stiles looked at his hands almost feeling guilty.
'She always looked out for me.. The same way you look out for Scott.' Stiles looked up into Theo's eyes and then returned to staring at his lap. It was the first time he'd ever opened up to him.
'You know I was the one that found her body.' Stiles looked up this time and they locked eyes. Was Theo getting emotional? No, he was the bad guy remember, snap out of it Stiles.
'She'd broken her leg'. Stiles awkwardly got comfortable and let out a breath.
'I told her it would have been okay if it wasn't for.. For the hypothermia' Theo swallowed back the tears already forming in his eyes, 'and when I found her all that I could think was that I should have known.. And I should have been looking out for her' he smiled sadly.
Stiles was confused 'why are you telling me this' he asked softly.
'I'm telling you because even if you don't trust me and even if you don't like me.. I'm still going to be looking out for you' a single tear fell from his eye as Stiles turned to look at him. He quickly cleared his throat, wiped the tear from his cheek and tried to regain his normal brooding composure. But he could still feel Stiles' glare burning a hole in him.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Theo tries to start up a conversation again. 'You know I saw his teeth' Stiles turned to him with a questioning look on his face. 'Donovan' he finished, as if this would make sense. 'He was a.. Er.. Windigo? Wasn't he?'
'Yeah..' Stiles confirmed.
'That's the cannibal one right?'
'Native Americans say that if you ate human flesh, your punishment was to turn into a creature that constantly craves it'
Theo folded his armed while scrunching his face up, 'hmm.. That's a pretty judgmental myth'
'Well I didn't make it up' Stiles returned to his sarcastic tone.
'What if it was the only way to survive?' Theo offered, 'ever heard of the donnor party? Pretty sure they didn't turn into windigos'
'Well they didn't live in beacon hills' Stiles retorted.
'Good point.' Theo replied ' what's the punishment for killing a chimera?' Theo thought out loud.
'You spend 5 hours in a car with Theo Raeken.' Stiles smirked.
Theo raised his eyebrows in mock hurt then let out a breathy laugh.
'Look..I know what my punishment is' Stiles sudden seriousness caused Theo to turn and look at him with concern.
'I lose my best friend' Stiles croaked '..I lose Scott.'
Theo suddenly felt defensive, 'if Scott gave up on you for some piece of crap like Donovan then he wouldn't be a true alpha would he?' Theo tried to reassure him.
'Maybe that's the definition of one. Someone who doesn't put up with murder?'
Theo rolled his eyes.. 'It sounds like you guys need to look up justifiable homicide' Theo grinned.
'Did you seriously just say that to the son of a cop?' Stiles retorted
Theo took a deep breath, 'Look, a werewolves eyes are supposed to change colour when you take an innocent life' suddenly his eyes started glowing a bright yellow. Stiles was mesmerised by them. But as quick as they came they were gone. 'Do these look blue to you' Stiles looked at him with squinted eyes as if he realised he was telling the truth.
'It was self defence. For me and for you.' Theo concluded.

'Or maybe it was just because you don't feel all that bad about it.. You can't say that one life is objectively less innocent than another one. What if they turn blue because you feel guilty?' Stiles thought out loud.
'So it's up to interpretation?' Theo raised his eyebrows.
'Yeah mayybe' Stiles replied.
'Okay' he licked his lips and turned around again. 'But here's my interpretation of what happened with you and Donovan. Not Guilty.' stiles looked him up and down and breathed out.
'Do you feel bad about it?' Theo asked, concern dripping from those words.
Stiles turned and looked at him like he's grown another head, did he really just ask that?
'Not now, I mean right then, right when it happened.. What were you thinking the moment you knew he was dead and there was no saving him.' Theo nudged him further for the answer he was looking for.
Stiles opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again when he realised he didn't know if the answer he was about to say was the right one.
Then he ignored the moral voice in his head and gave in to Theo's interrogation.
'One word.. Good.'
Theo looked at him and smirked, like he knew what he was going to say but he just wanted to hear him say it.
Stiles continued to stare at the steering wheel, those three words repeating themselves over and over in his head.
He knew what he said wasn't the right thing to say, he should have felt guilt, sadness and pain. But all he felt was relief, he felt joy that he was safe and he felt like a hero, having diminished one of the many threats to him and his friends. It wasn't right at all.

Suddenly Theo caught a scent, he lifted his nose and started to smell the air, trying to figure out what it was exactly.
Stiles turned to face him with a worried look on his face. 'What?'
'A smoke.. It smells like burning' Theo replied equally as confused.

As Theo turned his head to examine the area, a blast of fire hit him in the face knocking him unconscious, blood splattering all over Stiles face.

Panic overcame Stiles, he didn't know what was going on and now he was more defenceless than ever, not even Theo could protect him. All of a sudden he felt himself being lifted up and the Jeep flipped over, all he remembered after that was flames surrounding the car.. and then

Temptations and Secrets: Stiles Stilinski and Theo RaekenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora