Chapter 1- Meet N Greets ♡

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-Daniel's POV-
I look in the mirror and flash a cheeky smile at my reflection. It's taken me 3 hours to get ready but it was worth it. Feeling confident I grab my keys and phone and literally skip out the door. I've never been to something this big so I'm shaking with nervous energy as I drive to the park where I'll soon be meeting my role models.

As I pull up into a space I realise how busy it is. Shivers run down my spine, I hate small and crowded spaces. Oh well, anything to see my idols.

Cautiously I join the end of a seemingly never ending line of screaming teenage girls. I smile to myself as I realise where I am, what I'm about to do. An attendant shaking me gently brings me out of my daydream. Handing over my money, I look around. Posters everywhere, big screens, fans. The atmosphere is crazy. As I make my way to a clear space, I realise that I'm one of the only boys here. I start to question myself. Does this make me gay? Am I being looked at? These questions in my head get louder and louder until I can feel them in every inch of my body, controlling me. I sag to the floor in a mess of tears and confusion. I can sense people looking but no one comes to help me. I close my eyes and try and make everything go away...

-Beau's POV-
I look around the curtains in curiosity, James by my side. My mouth drops when I see how many people are here and I can tell James is surprised too. It all looks calm out there at the moment but I know when we go out it'll be chaos. I'm about to duck my head back in when I see someone falling. Fainting? No. They look stressed, maybe a panic attack. I know how it feels to have them, I know how bad it is. Without thinking I run down the back steps, grab a random coat and throw it on so no one recognises me. I worm my way through the crowd until I find the person.

The first thing I can think of is how hot they are. I've been openly gay for a while now so it's no secret, but I still feel amazing when I think of it. The second thing I think of is how fragile he looks. Slowly, I bend down and stroke some stray hair away from his face. He has amazing brown/black eyes. I sit down and gently lift his head into my lap. I'm so glad I haven't been noticed yet, I'd never be able to help him with fans around. Something moves in my lap and I realise he's waking up. I smile despite myself as his eyes flutter open. He doesn't recognise me at first, but when he does his reaction makes me grin like a madman.

His eyes widen and he quickly moves off my lap (to my disappointment). He's speechless for a minute and then he just throws himself at me. I'm ready. Tears roll down his face as I hug him tight. It's like I can feel his panic fading away. When he's done, I grab his hand and pull him through the crowd to the backstage area. He's extremely light but I don't think anything of it at the time.

I tug him playfully down behind some stage props. He's beaming, I just want to lean forward and...
I don't have to worry for long, it's like he's reading my mind. Cautiously, he pulls my shirt towards him. I follow willingly. Leaning forward, he kisses me. It's amazing. I feel free and completely at ease. He makes me feel special and I don't even know his name yet. Reluctantly, I pull back so we can get to know each other before it goes any further.

He tells me everything about him (or so I think). How his name is Daniel, he's been a fan forever, he has anxiety. Everything. I tell him everything too. We both rush though, so we can go back to what we really want to do. We're about to go again when I hear my brothers, Luke and Jai, calling my name. Shit. I tell Daniel to stay here, watch from behind the curtain, that I'll be back when it's over. He agrees obediently and I peck him before rushing into my brothers.

"Where have you been?" Jai asks.
I smirk to myself but I don't have time to answer before we're being called out on stage. I take a big breath and go for it.

*After the meet and greet.*

Sprinting to the props I kneel down and look behind. Daniel is sitting quietly in a ball, shaking. I'm about to run over to him when he starts talking softly to himself.
"You're not good enough for Beau. Don't kid yourself, he's just doing this to be nice. He doesn't really like you. Who would? You're too fat and ugly to ever be noticed."

I feel like I've been hit. How can he think those things? He's perfect to me. And I'm going to show him. Tiptoeing, I wrap my arms around his shoulders and basically jump on him. While sitting on his shoulders, I kiss him and whisper "Nome of what you just said is true. You're perfect in my eyes." He relaxes and I get down so I can really look at him. I do just that while kissing him. Time flys by. I don't know how long we sit there for, but I honestly don't care.

Eventually we stop. I hate too but we need to go. Helping him up, I grab under his knees and back and carry him bridal style to my car.
Usually all the Janoskians go home together, but everyone else wanted to go somewhere else after the meet and greet so it was just me and Daniel. Unlocking the door, I carefully placed Daniel into the seat next to me, walked to the drivers side and put the keys in the ignition. Just as I was about to start the car, I heard Daniel snoring softly. I looked over and saw him curled up, fast asleep. I smiled. I was in love with that boy.

Driving home in the dark is not one of my favourite things, but having Daniel there made everything better. I wasn't scared at all. When we got back to the house, I lifted Daniel out again, locked the car and walked him upstairs to my bedroom. He started to wake up as I was fetching spare pillows and blankets. I laid them on the floor as he watched.

"You ok with that?" I asked him.
He nodded but looked sad.
I hated his sad face. It broke me inside. As he crawled under his floor bed, I pulled the blankets off him. The look of surprise on his face made me laugh as I patted the space beside me on the bed.
He gave me a look of "are you sure about this?" But I just winked back.
Budging over, he crawled in slowly, unsure. I didn't give him any more time to contemplate the idea. I rugby tackled him with a pillow and he hit back. We rolled around for ages it felt like. When we were so tired we couldn't go anymore, we both fell back onto the bed and wrapped around each other.
I turned the lights off and winked again.
"Night Daniel." I said with a smirk.
"Night Beau." He replied.
As I relaxed I swear I heard an "I love you," but I was too tired to be sure.


Hai 💕
First time I've done a Janoskian fan fic so sorry if you find it bad or boring. 😕
Nothing I've said here is true so yeah. Just incase you were wondering. 😂
I ship Baniel so much tho. 😏
I wrote this at midnight so there might be spelling or grammar errors. ✋🏼
Yeah that's basically all I can say. 😎
You learn more about Daniel in the next chapter. 😉
Hope you enjoyed. ❤️
Bai 💕

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