When she found courage within

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Aurora sat quietly in her room, reading a novel while waiting for her parents to come home. She was not the most noticeable person, the kind of girl who would rather sit alone in the library quietly reading than chat with other people. It was Saturday. She should be hanging out with friends like every other person her age, but she was happy reading.

Suddenly, she heard her sister's ringtone from her phone. Why would Gabriella be obnoxious and text while she was reading, besides she could just yell at her from the other room? She read what Gabriella said anyway. Emergency! Come to my room now, the message read. Aurora was confused. What could be wrong? It was just like any other day. She followed Gabriella's instructions, despite the fact that she had a strong feeling her younger sister was just playing a sick joke on her. As she was walking down the hall, she realized Gabriella's music was turned off. That was nothing like her sister, it would be lucky if anyone could ever getting her to stop listening. "Gabby, what's the emer-," Aurora started to say as she walked into Gabriella's room, but Gabriella immediately shushed her.

"Quiet Aurora," Gabriella whispered. Her eyes widened and started to tear as she said this.

Aurora felt butterflies in her stomach. She could see the fear in her usually brave sister's eyes. Aurora began to think of every little thing that could happen. Is someone stalking us? Are the FBI here to find a criminal on America's most wanted list? Has a disease turned everyone into living "zombies?" Is Gabby just crazy? Should someone dial 911? Her list went on and on. Most of her theories, however, were completely irrational. She didn't handle stressful situations very well.

"Um...uh...what's wrong?" Aurora asked her sister fearfully.

"Just look out the window," Gabriella responded as calmly as she could.

Aurora saw a tall man wearing a mask skillfully climbing up towards her parents bedroom window. He carried a large bag. She started to feel light-headed after seeing such a thing. Her heart was racing and she felt as if it would pop out of her chest any second. Sweat started forming on the palms of her hands. All she could feel was fear and stress.

"What are we going to do," Gabby frantically asked.

Aurora had forgotten that as the older sibling she was the one in charge. She had no idea what she was going to do to protect herself and her sister. Her mind was blank, except for worry; that was the only thing on her mind. Of course the one time I need to use logic, courage, quick-thinking, and leadership, these skills abandon me, Aurora thought. Her sister had always been a leader and it drove her crazy usually, but she was starting to wish that Gabby would take over "leading."

"Rori," Gabriella said frantically," please think. We need to hurry. There's not much time." She was just as paranoid as Aurora.

"Stop pressuring me. I'm trying to think." Aurora said. Honestly she was more frustrated with herself than Gabby. She wasn't ready to handle such a huge responsibility. Gabby needed her though, so she was trying to find a solution, even though it was hard.

"Gabby, for now I think we should hide in your closet, while I think of a plan." It wasn't the best plan, but it was a start.

"Ok?" Gabriella responded, although truthfully she had been hoping for a better plan. Aurora is smarter than that.

"Well, hurry up," Aurora said hastily.

They walked over trying to be very light with every step, but it seemed like every little sound magnified. Simultaneously, they thought, I'm going to die today. The closet seemed to be a mile away with the every, small, cautious step they took. Finally, they reached it. Hurriedly, they went in, both with a phone in hand. That gave Aurora an idea. She sent a message to every person in her contacts. Aurora told her sister to do the same. Then, they heard a slight creaking. Aurora was beginning to lose confidence again. He was here, in their house.

Aurora and Gabriella looked at each other. They knew they were in serious danger. Scared, Aurora grabbed the closest thing to a weapon she could find to defend herself: a high heel used for wearing on formal occasions. Gabby gave her a weird look, "What help will that be?"

"It was the closest to a weapon I could find," Aurora said."Remember we are in a closet!?"

Gabby and Aurora heard the door open. This isn't good. Gabby and I, something bad will happen to us, I know it. Aurora couldn't stop questioning the fate of her sister and herself. She had to go against her fears and do something. Forgetting all common sense, she opened the closet door. Now she was eye to eye with him. He had a gun in hand.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins. Aurora aimed at his eye with the shoe. As she did so, she grabbed the weapon, however the gun went off and she was shot in the leg. But, she kept going and knocked him unconscious.

She could hear sirens. She didn't remember calling the police. Then she realized she had texted all of her contacts. They must have done it for her. She was filled with relief. She felt that she had for once in her life stood up and showed courage.

As she rode off in the ambulance, she smiled. Even though everything had gone wrong, she had succeeded and overcome it. Aurora wished that she could be like this everyday. Her life was going so well, despite all she had just been through. Gabby was as relieved as Aurora. But more than that, she was shocked. Her sister had for once showed strength and courage while under stress. Most importantly though, they were both safe. And knew that they were prepared to take on any conflicts in their paths.

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