Leaving the Nest

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A/N: I own nothing you recognise

"Goodbye Auggie" I said in a trembling voice, barely trusting myself to speak.

"I love you, August." I say, all of a sudden, feeling nervous about his departure.

"I love you too" he says as he stepped out the door and walked to school.

I watched him stroll down the street feeling uneasy with myself. Part of me wanted to run after him, to hold him back where he would be safe in my arms. The other side of me was saying that I have to trust him to look after himself. I have to learn to let go.

I tried not to let my thoughts stray to my son, but it was near on impossible. Anywhere I looked I was reminded of my baby boy. The photos of our holiday by the beach, with him wearing that ridiculous space helmet or the magnet on the fridge that he got me for Mother's Day. Anything I saw sent a pang of regret through my heart. If only he had stayed home! No, I tell myself. You have to let him grow up. You can't protect him for ever.

I decided to rest until Via came home, it must be the easiest way to not allow my thoughts to stray to August. I lie down on the couch and let my eyes fall. I slept for what must have been five hours seeing as I woke up from the sound of my daughter opening the front door.

"Oh mum, I'm so sorry! Did I wake you?" she says, wringing her hands.

I smiled at her, telling her I was fine. She sits down next to me on the couch and buries her face in my shoulder. I looked down at her.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her, thoroughly worried.

As soon as the words leave my lips she bursts into tears. She still hasn't said anything, but suddenly, I understand. She's stressed, worried, hurt, unappreciated and most of all, confused.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I queried.

She shook her head roughly on my shirt. I smiled, despite the situation, and I rub her back in soothing, circular motions. I think she appreciates the gesture, as I really haven't put in enough effort in caring for Via.

When Nate came home we decided to order in takeaway, seeing as I had forgotten to prepare a meal. Dinner turned into a meal of silence, no one knowing what to say and everyone feeling just as uncomfortable as I was.

After dinner I went up to bed and found baboo and the message August had left. As I read the note a single tear rolled down my cheek and I sighed. My little Auggie was leaving the nest.

A/N: Yay! Did you like it?

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