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Hi. I'm McKenzie. I'm 13 and I have blondish colored hair. People say I'm a spoiled brat because my mother gets me everything I want. That's not true. I actually do not get every thing I want. Just some times I do get something I like and get it. Like everybody else, I am normal...sorta.

I only have one or two twists in my life.

1. I'm adopted

2. My siblings were kidnapped

The reason I'm adopted is because my birth mom was an alcoholic. She would abuse me. My dad died when I was 5 from a car accident. So after that my mom started drinking more and more and ended up abusing me. Then I told my friends mom. She told me to stay the night and called the police on my mom. The police took me to an orphanage and luckily I got adopted 2 months later by James and Ella manor.

So, here i am being picked on.

Now, let's get on to the story shall we?


So what do you think so far? Check out my other story called 'Babe'.

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