Chapter 1

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*this was based off of a real life hetalia cosplay/role play. A couple of my friends and I were cosplaying as the characters mentioned in the story. I was Russia, I had fallen asleep in our make-shift conference room an ppl drew on my face was dressed as japan an Canada.....
*male or female

You enjoyed being surrounded by all your friends, you loved it even more when they aren't fighting. You stop by Germany and Italy, mostly to keep Italy away from him. But, you in Italy doodled on some paper, giggling as well. Making goofy pictures of people that was in the meeting, you looked up. Russian looks like he was passed out from boredom, America was clinging paper balls at England and would blame it on France. You look down at your picture, then at Italy.

"Do you want to help me with something?" Italy looks up at you, curious.

"What is it?" you had a Cheshire grin on,

"Drawing on Russia's face." You giggled, Italy's eyes widen as he turned pale. The male shook his head multiple times,

"No, no, no. I don't want to get chased after." You patted his back,

"I'm just joking... But, still." You looked over at the sleeping Russian,

"_______, please don't!" Italy gripped your sleeve, wide light brown eyes looked teary. You sighed,

"Okay, you win." Italy let's go of your sleeve and smiles. Looking back down at your paper, you secretly plotted how you're going to play this off. A idea popped in your mind, causing you to smile and giggle. The tall blonde looked at you strangely, but he dismissed it. You picked up a nearby rubber band, flinging it at Canada. It hits his forehead, he looks up real quick. Catching you waving at him, he looks behind him then to the sides. Lowering his head down once more, you narrowed your eyes at the Canadian.

"Italy, I'll be right back." He gave you a quick nod of his head, you stood up. Walking around the table, you made your way to Canada. Pulling out a chair, you sat next to the 'Invisible' Man.

"Hi, Canada." he looks up at you, surprised.

"You can see me?" He points to himself, you nod.

"Who do you think I was waiting to?" he looks back down at the table, only his blue eyes shifted towards you.

"I thought you were waving at my brother or Prussia... Or someone that you know." You ruffled his blonde hair, smiling as you did so.

"Do you want to help me with something?" Matthew shifted his head towards you with a questioning look,

"What?" Your smile widened,

"Help me drawing Russia face." the shy male froze, you look at him strangely.

"No." He whispered scaredly,

"You won't get in trouble. Besides no one 'can't see you'. Soooo it would only be me to blame." You smiled at him, he sighed. Matt nods his head at you.

"Sure." you handed him a sharpie, you both stood up, making your way over to Russia. Taking off the cap, Canada kind of doing the same. You both begun to do on the sleeping man's face, Japan looks up, catching you in the act. Japan nudges France in the side, the french man glances at the asian. Kiku points at you, France looks to where japan was pointing at. His eyebrow twitches and his jaw drops,

"__-_____! What are you doing!" you stopped whatever you were doing and look up at the man before you, placing your index in front of your lips, you shoosh him.

"Shhh. I'm busy." You smiled as you looked back down, after you and Matt were done. You both headed back to your seats, acting as if nothing happened. After the day was done, everyone started to leave. Standing to your feet, you made your way out of the building. As you made your way outside, you heard a scream. Russia bursted through the double doors, angered. You smiled,

"_______!!!!!!" You took off running as Russia followed after you. The Italian man bowed his head, shaking it back and fourth.

"______... I told you not to."

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