Believe in Love

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Long gone are the days when my boy gets excited about a photo shoot, but at least he doesn't protest anymore either. It's more like, "Ok, but will you pick out something for me to wear?" Gladly, but I know the key for him is to keep it super simple. Purple shirt (his current favorite color) and black jeans are pretty simple, I'd say. For me, it's not necessarily about having fancy clothes but about documenting a new year, a growing boy, and the current likes and dislikes. I can't believe how fast this boy is growing right before my eyes. He still melts my heart the same as the day he was born. Love you, my Joshua!Well, we all made it through home schooling yesterday after a long break. I purposed in my heart to extend grace and exercise lots of patience. I think it helped. Actually I know it did. Joshua breezed through everything but swore that making baseball cards after reading Casey At Bat was just too hard. He gets it in his mind that anything having to do with language arts is too hard, but I persisted. Wouldn't you know it that he had a blast making them and was super proud of his creativity? I was, too.We are nearing the end of our home schooling year for these two. At the kind advice of a friend, I'm trying to get the kid's input on what they think they need more study on as well as what topics they are interested in. Emma G is undecided, but Joshua wants to learn Arabic. He has a list of languages that he wants to learn NOW, because kids learn so much faster than adults (it's true and that's seriously his reason). He decided to tackle Arabic first because that's the hardest language. I swear this kid is like me in so many ways. By the end of the day, after some lessons on the iPad, he's undecided on Arabic. Hard? Of course, but I'm cheering him on to not give up because it's too hard!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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