Burning School

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I walked to the cafeteria for lunch, I saw a group of kids crowding around something, I looked closer and saw the we're beating up the new kid, I was just about to step up for him when he breathed fire, scaring away the bullies. My eyes widened and I froze. He was like me, I should've known! His scent! I smelled it in class, us hybrids can smell other hybrids, girl hybrids smell like mints and boy hybrids smell like vanilla, I smiled and walked up to him, like he was a regular person, "Hey, you ok?" I asked, he didn't say anything and just ran, probably in fear, I sighed and followed him, but I lost him. Only a couple more minutes till my next class, fuck. I want to tell him we're alike. God dammit.. Where is he?!" I smelled something burning, I hoped it was him and walked into where I the smell was coming from, it was our science teacher, Mrs. Grayson, with a Bunsen burner, most likely making sure an experiment was safe. I sighed and close the door, the bell ran and I ran to my next class. The scent of vanilla came back to me, I smiled. I walked into class, and saw him, and what's that by him? A empty seat? Don't mind if I do. I bit my lip, making sure I don't bite my scar on my lip that went through my top and bottom lip, and sat in the seat by him. He tried to act cool but you could clearly see that he was like Oh fuck. I laughed "I saw you breathing fire" I whispered so no one could hear "And I'm surprised that the new kid... Is like me" I smiled. "Don't know what you're talking about with the fire part with the bullies and I'm not like you" He said, I smirked at his obvious lie " I never said anything about bullies" I grabbed the stuff for this class "You totally did and I don't even know who you are" He looked out the window. "I didn't and the name's Night" I looked at him "And your secret's safe with me dude" He sneezed and sims fire came out and burned the roof. I giggled "Don't know what I talking about huh? Don't worry, I'll tell you my secret, so we're even, ok?" I didn't notice everyone freaking out from the roof burning. "Cool, but first run" I was confused but then saw the flames, oh, right.. Humans are terrified of this crap. I ran out of the building and looked around, the new kid isn't here, I looked into a window and saw him. I gasped, grabbed a rock, I broke the window open. "Dude!! Over here!!" He got trapped by some flames "HELP!!" He yelled, I sighed I gotta do this I thought and spread my dragon wings and flew to him "Grab my hand!!" I yelled, reaching out my hand. "How do you get wings? Wait do I have wings?" He grew to tiny wings on his back "Yes but god dammit" he grabbed my hand and hugged me tightly. "Hold on!" I flew through a hole in the roof from the fire and flew in a different direction than the other people, I still don't want them to know that I'm a hybrid.. I landed us safely on the ground. "Phew, that was a close one" I smiled "Thanks.. But how did this happened to us?" He asked "What? The hybrid thing or the whole burning down the building thing?" I asked "Hybrid thing, I burned down the building on accident.." "I was born with it, but I didn't know till five months ago when I got my wings" "Oh ok, so we're born with this and I see we have a different mark but on the same place" I nodded "Yep!" I smiled "But we gotta hide this crap or else the humans might kill (seriously?? 666 words and the 666 word is Kill???) us" "What? Why? We did nothing to them" "Th-They think we're monsters" I spat "M-My old, human, best friend tr-tried to kill me when I grew my wings.." Tear started to welled up in my eyes and I sat against a tree, letting some tears go down my face. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "You're gonna be ok.. You're not alone" The boy whispered, as I wiped some tears away ."I-I'm sorry, I-I'm such a loser.." I smiled sadly. "No your not, you're special! In more then one way!" He said "Thanks.. By the way, I never caught your name" I looked up at him "Oh, I am Alex. What's your's" Alex said "Nice to meet you Alex I'm Night" I smiled "Cool. Do you have any siblings? And if you do, they have a gift.." I looked at him confused "You" I felt my cheeks heat up "Uh.. I do.. Five brothers actually.." "Cool, I have two sisters and a brother but they don't have the gist of being hybrids" I smiled "Sweet.. It would be awesome to have a family of humans.." I said, looking at the ground. He's different from other boys.. I don't know how though. I smiled and kept looking at the ground, "It's nice to talk to someone who understands.." I rested my head on my knees. "Thanks for saving me"Alex said and kissed my cheek then walked into the woods. I blushed and touched my cheek where he kissed it, watching him walk away, I smiled. "Night?! Night?!" Crap.. My brother, my brother, Sky, flew in front of me "There you are! Dad's worried sick!" I just kept smiling "Who is he?" I snapped out of my trance "N-No one! Let's just go home.." I said and flew off with him home.


Sorry if you read Alex's POV and it's a little longer than this one, it's because we never established where we will end the chapters so I'll end them where I think they should end and he'll end them we he think he should end them, so there will be more like this. So I'm sorry about that but nobody's perfect! So I hope you enjoy both POV's even though it's like this! Bye my hybrids! Night out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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