The Fishing Incident

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Six Years Ago
I sat on the shore of the old,yet beautiful swamp, my fishing pole was cast, and I was prepared for the slightest tug on the line. Every now and then, I would get excited about a wave pulling my bait farther into the swamp, and I would yank, causing my older brother to give me a lecture.
"Sorry, big brother!" I would apologize.
"Just work on catching the fish." He would say back with complete annoyance in his words.
"Fine...." I mumbled.
How come big brother couldn't learn magic and try to catch a fish? It's not that hard! All he would have to do is think about him being human! But nooooo..... Brother says I am the only one who can use magic to disguise myself. Older brothers.... That's when I felt it! A real tug! I pulled the fishing pole, drawing the fish closer to the shore. After a few more tugs, I grabbed the fishing pole tightly, and swung the fish through the air. Luckily, the fish landed on brothers head, but the end of my pole landed in the tree.
"I caught a fish!" I shouted and danced with excitement.
My brother shook the fish off his head and said,
"Look Mr.Brilliant, you got the smallest fish in the world! To top it off, your hook is stuck in the tree!"
My brother glanced over at the tree and I said,
"Oh yeaahhhh......Now go get it!" I pointed to the hook, and brother shook his head.
"I'm oldest!"
"I'm younger!"
"You get it!"
"No you get it!"
Our voices rang throughout the swamp and the forest, causing birds to fly off,deer to run away, and the butterflies to land on a flower. We finally came to a resolve, and all I did was tug at the fishing line. Before heading home, I tied the line around the fishing pole, secured the amulet brother got for me, and turned into my dragon form. I walked beside my brother, and he kept me under his wing to keep me from harm. Yeah, I was definitely going to get mauled by a frog, or killed by a butterfly. The most serious injury I could outcome in that swamp was from a bird pooping on me. Well, at least big brother protected me, like he said father did to him. I never really met our parents, and the only thing I could image them was a beautiful, velvet red dragons and it's green eyes, and father with his black scales and blue eyes. I could only dream about the love and affection mother would give to me, or the overprotection father would give to me. My brother watched my small head bob up and down as we walked on the bumpy road home. My claws ached with pain by the time we got home. The nest was very large, and it was supposed to be fit for a mother,father, and a child and an egg. Brother was one hundred fifty when I was born, but now he's two hundred, and I'm fifty. I've just now began to grow bigger, along with a bigger appetite. I settled into my brother side, which gave me warmth in the cold upbringing of spring, and I slowly fell asleep.
I awoke, expecting my brother to be nudging me or shouting at me. But to my surprise, no one was there. I hopped up, and searched around the surrounding trees shouting,
"Big Brother!?!!"
And when I finally gave in, I called my brother by his real name,
My voice was broken and devastated.....I just lost the last of my family. Mom...Dad... Then Hiro.... How come I'm the last? Is it because I'm the youngest? Is it because they decided to abandon me? For whatever reason it is, I swear one day I'll find my family!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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