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Fathers and daughters - they always share a special bond - though near or far apart - the words that would describe it - are written on the heart.
- Felix

Felicia. Name meaning of happiness. This Felicia lived up to her name. The daughter of Felix, Peter Pan's right hand, and the first ever Lost Girl, Dia. Though Felicia didn't know of her father's existence.

Dia looked into Felix's eyes with worry in her own, her heart pounding in her chest.

" Felix if Pan finds out..." she begins her lover hushing her instantly.
" He won't find out," he cooed softly to her wrapping his arms around her, " I'll protect you."

She nods hugging him tightly resting her forehead onto his chest the best she could with a swelled stomach. Her hand reached up to his face cupping his face gently thumb grazing over his scar smiling softly feeling a pleasurable shiver run through his body. A twig snapped making both their heads snap to the area the sound came from. They both stared into each other's eyes fear filling them both knowing the presence of Pan. The demon. Eyes scanning the trees around them they find nothing but having that not putting them at ease. Dia wrapped her cloak around her to cover her stomach looking around in fear heart stopping seeing the boy she didn't want to. She grasped tightly onto Felix's shirt tugging on it gently to notify him making his head turn towards the direction she was looking.

" What's going on here," he asks a sly grin curling up his lip.
" We were just out for a little midnight training Pan," Felix said pulling away from Dia slightly.
" Now Dia care to show me what's under your cloak."

She froze looking to him scared to follow his orders but horrified to go against them. Carefully she pulled back the thick cloak exposing her large stomach to him in shame Felix wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Pan's eyes flickered with rage but he didn't lift a single hand against the two lovers but grinned. He grinned like there was no tomorrow taking a step towards the two examining the swelled stomach.

" Well that's not good," he chuckles soflty, " We must remove whatever that growth is at once."
" No!" Felix yelled at him taking a defensive position in front of the Lost Girl shaking his head.
" Care to explain Felix?" Pan asked cocking an eyebrow.
" It's a baby..." he murmured glancing down to the ground.
" Who's baby is it," Pan hisses glaring at the two.
" It's our baby," he say looking back up to him, " It's Dia and my child."
" Felix you know what must happen now."

He shakes his head standing in front of her blocking her from the demon boy. Pan takes another step forward watching Felix's hands clench into tight fists. A grin appeared on the boys face as Felix shot off to the side slamming against a tree allowing Pan to walk forward to the frightened mother. Her eyes twinkled with tears as she looked to him in fear as the man she loved lay on the ground groaning in pain. The demon's hand shot up waving to her smirking shoving her back an inky black figure hauling her up into the sky. Her eyes burned with tears lungs emptying as she screamed for the boy she loved so desperately hearing no call back weeping over the loss of everything she had. The shadow carried her away from the island of dreams tossing her into the ocean into the awaiting portal below.


Though Felicia's time was short it felt long to her. She grew well in the new world she was brought into and her mother had aged from a nineteen year old to a woman in her early thirties.

I looked around ear buds shoved into my ears drowning out the calls of my mother knowing she'd be angry if she found me drawing him again. And by him I meant this man I kept seeing in my dreams that reminded her of something painful. Something that brought tears to her eyes and made her skin crawl. I shoved my sketch pad away under my pillow just before my mother barged into my room uninvited like always. She walked to me plopping on the side of my bed tugging out an ear bud.

" Felicia please answer me when I call you," she cooed gently making me glance to her nodding, " Breakfast is ready so eat something before you go to school."

I get up nodding to her I scoop up my school things and shove them into my little backpack hauling it onto my shoulder heading to the kitchen, hearing her footsteps behind me. Though my mother looked quite young she was kind of old being 29 but it wasn't her age that got her it was the bags under her eyes. Her sleepless nights calling to a man that never existed in our little town. Shaking my head I clear it grabbing some toast stuffing it into my mouth hoping it wouldn't fall as I tug on a sweatshirt then my backpack again taking the soggy break out to take a bite. I smile softly to my mother munching away kissing her cheek waving taking another bite heading out for school. Even though Storybrooke was a small town for some reason there was the quite amount of kids. All ranging from the age of 5 to my age of 18. Though I was really the only older kid the others were much younger except for a few boys and another girl. I happily ate my toast a few kids running around me as I walked closer to the school. A boy caught my attention making my way over to him I glance at a large book he was reading. 'Once Upon A Time' I never heard of that one. My staring caught his attention and he glanced up to me.

" Good morning," he chirped.
" Good morning Henry," I said softly to him smiling.
" You know who I am?" he asks as if I didn't know about the mayor's son.
" Yes I'm Felicia," I say sending him a smile.
" Felicia..." he glances at me for a moment then looks down to his book smiling.
" You're a Lost Girl."

I smile gently patting Henry's head sitting with him as he had his lunch. From the first day I talked to him my world seemed to change a little. Even if it was in the smallest ways. My grades were going up, my mother was happier, I had gained a friend, everything was looking brighter. My eyes shot up glancing at a few of the other boys that stalked Henry when he was at school.
" Hey Henry," I say softly leaning close to him, " Want to see a trick?"

He nods and I smile digging an apple out of my bag running my thumbs over it. I looked to the boys who had their backs turn having the right moment to aim and hurl an apple at one making it bounce to the next. I giggle softly Henry trying to hide his smile as they turned around both of us looking to each other like nothing happened them suspecting it was someone else.
" Felicia you really are a Lost Girl," he says smiling a little.
" I've always been lost Henry," I say, " I just want to be found by the right people."

His Daughter (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant