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Today is my first day at a new school.

I'm so scared

So currently I just got out of the shower  and now I have to do my makeup.

I sit at my vanity and wipe off all my leftover makeup off my face and do my normal simple eyeliner and bare face.

I take my towel off my head and brush my wet hair then scrunch my naturally curly hair.

I put on my outfit, grab my phone and backpack and go downstairs.

My mom and dad are sitting at the kitchen table drinking their coffee.

My mom says "ready?"
I nod and she stands up.

We get in our car and she drives me to my new school.

When we get there, there are people my age everywhere.

I say "mom, why couldn't I have just finished school at my old school? There's only like a month left."

She says "blame your dad honey. I love you. Have a nice first day."

I get out of the car and walk into the school to grab my schedule from the office.

Let's get today over with


Sorry this chapter is short but the next one
Will be longer and better.

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