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*Gales POV*
My hands trembled. I was shaking all over. So utterly unable to control my bodies jerking. I could not get hold of myself. What was happening?
My mind said to me. 
Guilt for creating a weapon that killed an innocent child. 
My eyes welded up with tears. I wiped them away quickly, I was not going to cry. I had to be strong.
My mind flickered back to the girl's sister, Katniss Everdeen. The girl of my dreams. My true love. She hated me now... loathed me. I couldn't blame her, i hated myself.
I knew then that I had to do it. I had to get it over with. Quicker the better. 
Still shaking, I took a pen from a pot and a piece of paper from a tray. I sat down again. 
I hestertated for one second, one tiny second and then I let it all out. My plan. Why. Who. What. Where. Why. 
The ink sprawled across the page in untidy swirls of words.
And this is what it said;

It's time. In the 11th hour, I have found love. The girl who was in plain sight the whole time. Yes, I love her. You must know who, every person in the world knows who she is. Twice a tribute. The Mockingjay. The Symbol Of Rebellion. Katniss Everdeen. 
You, reader, must understand my love for her or you will never understand why I would do this. She is the centre of my universe, my world and I killed the thing that is most important to her. It breaks me up. It's kills me. Reader, you may think this is insane but if you have ever loved someone so strong, like I do for her, you will understand. 
So thats where my plan comes in, I want, no need her to be happy. I can no longer be apart of her life. Tell her somthing believeable. Tell her, I have gone on a trip, a every long one. I won't be back. I never will. Make sure Peeta looks after her. Don't let anyone hurt her. 
I am going now. To another place. To the place it will no longer hurt. I'll make it quick. Don't worry about me. Just make sure, she can't get hurt and by me doing this, she is not hurt. 
Thank you.
Gale Hawthrone. 

I couldn't write anymore, it was to much. I folded the note and layed it carefully on the hard wood table. It's edges were slightly ripped and the whole paper, was crumpled. I took one last look at it and ran. Ran out the house. Sprinted. My leg muscle acked, my breathing got heavier. My lungs felt like they were about to burst out of my chest. Still, I did not stop. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and soft sobs were escaping my lips. I could see it now. My death. A single tree. A rope. It would be all over soon. 
But my mind did not want to let me go easily, it shot images of Prim into my mind. My thoughts were filled with the young girl laughing and chatting and smiling. 13. Could she have only been 13? The worst pain of them all was coming. It was a whole in my heart. 
Then it came so fast. 
"Katniss" I thought. 
The same things happened but this time, with Katniss dying, hurting herself, in the arena, and me being able to do nothing off her suffering. 
I stopped. I could go to futher. My emotions were pilling on top of each other. I could barely breath any more.
A long piece of rope was at the bottom of the tree. I picked it up and made a simple loop shape. With great skill, I climbing the tree to a high branch and tied the rope to the tree. I slowly lowered myself down. My neck was resting agaisnt the rope.
"I'm sorry," Were the last words that escaped my cracked lips before i let go of the branch and hung myself. 


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