Just random things

18 4 1

OK so this is just random jokes i think are funny so ya

Evil dude: The princess is alive!

Evil dude that helps evil dude: And yet you don't seem over joyed.


Boy:Whats the difference between a piano, a tuna and a pot of glue?

Boy 2: I don't now

Boy: you can tuna piano but you can't piano tuna

Boy 2: Hehehehehehehehehehe

Boy 2:What about the glue?

Boy: I new you'd get stuck there

Boy 2:Oh god!


You now you're drunk when you sit on the toilet and try to put on a seatbelt


A drunk person stopped a taxi and asked the driver:

You taken?

In which the driver then answered:

No man, it's all good

And then the drunk person said:

Wanna dance?



                                   A chocolate bar

      Last seen in my pocket 2:00 pm on May 3rd

       It was a very good chocolate bar worth 1$

                         please return to me 

                            Reward:A hug!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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