How you meet

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You were on your way to Ethan's house, Ethan had been you best friend since nursery and he had recently found out his girlfriend of 2 years had been cheating on him for months. Once you got to Ethan's house you walked straight in. Once you got inside you saw Ethan on his sofa wrapped in a blanket surrounded by tissues, you sighed quietly and muttered " I could treat him so much better than that slag" you sat by Ethan and you two cuddled and watched movies all night.


You sighed as your brother josh told you he was having a friend over to record Fifa. You didn't mind his friends, but they were always so loud and it really got on your nerves. But at least today it was only one friend, you hoped it was Harry you had always had a think for that boy in the blue jumper. A loud knock on the door made you jump and snap out of your thoughts. "HEY JOSH" those words brought a smile to your face, it was Harry. "Hey y/n" Harry smiled "do you know we're josh is?" "I think he's upstairs" you replied. "Good" Harry said with a smirk. You were slightly confused by why he said good. But decided not to say anything, "hey y/n I forgot my phone and need to call someone can I use yours?" "Sure" you said unlocking your phone "here" you smiled passing your phone to him. You herd the noise of you keyboard tapping and then he handed it back to you. "Call me sometime" he winked and went upstairs. I thought he wanted to call someone, puzzled you looked at your phone to realise he had made a contact for himself and had put his name as "harry💙"


You and josh had been friends for a couple of years now you would sometimes do videos with Josh, despite not having a YouTube channel. Josh's fans would ship you two together, you loved josh and wanted to be his girlfriend but josh never really showed much interest in you in that way. Well that's what you thought.


It was currently 11pm and you were walking back to your house. You had noticed a man had been following you for a while, you were walking at a very quick pace when suddenly you collided with a handsome man who looked around your age. "I'm so sorry" you said quickly "hey don't worry about it, by the way I'm olajide but you can call me jj". "cool name" you replied. " I'm y/n". Jj smiled and said "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" you blushed and said "thank you". You suddenly turned around to see if the man was still following you unfortunately for you he was, soon after jj suddenly spoke up " you seem on edge what's up? "that man on the other side of the road has been following me" you said "I'll walk you home if you like" jj offered " if you don't mind" you replied. Once you got to your house you and jj exchanged numbers he told you to text or call him sometime, which you definitely were going to.


It was a Saturday 9am and you were sat in the same cafe you would always be sat In on a Saturday at 9am. But today it was extremely busy, there was only one seat free and that was the spare seat on your table. You were scrolling through Instagram/Twitter/Facebook when a male voice spoke "can I sit here there's no were else to sit" you looked up and smiled "sure" you said. After talking to the stranger for a while you learned his name was Simon, after your chat you exchanged numbers and when home.


Toby was your mums friends son, you honestly thought Toby was really cute. You exchanged numbers last time you met and he told you to call him but you never did because you saw him with his arm round another girl. But little did you know that was his cousin. ( I don't know if he has a cousin but still ) unfortunately Toby was coming round to your house for tea today. Well this is going to be awkward you thought.


You were A youtuber with 2.1m subs you played random games but mostly minecraft and gta5, you fans had being saying you should do a video with vikkstar123. You had never herd of this guy or girl before you were mostly certain he or she would be a youtuber too, you typed that name in on Twitter and found it was a really cute boy. You direct messaged him saying "my fans would like me to do a video with you, maybe we could play minecraft sometime?" He replied with "sure wanna record now?" "I'd love to" you said. You ended up recording a few videos with him and making plans with him to come to the sidemen house to visit him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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