Doctor Who

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So as Amy Pond and The Wonderfilled Doctor step foot out of the tardis the doctor noticed something a strange feeling... "Amy Come here" "Yeah" "Do you feel that" "Feel what?" "That" "Nope nothing" "Are you sure?" "Yes" "ok then" *takes out sonic screwdriver* *Tardis whooshes* "Oh what a surprise not again" "So were in the middle of nowhere and your going crazy and the tardis is gone just Great" *Sonics Area* "Amy get back there are large amounts of Huon particles here" "and what's that" "A type of moleculeic radi... Can you just get back"
"Fine Can't tell me I'm breaking rule 1 of the doctor" -----------------------------------------------------------i hope you enjoyed this is only part one but expect a lot more thanks for reading my fanfic well part one well the beginning well yeah. See what I did there xD

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