A cold love (Jeff x reader)

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Chapter one
It was a cold night, you were sitting in your room brushing your (c/h), you looked out the window, you loved the sky at night, all the stars in the sky shining. You looked at your alarm clock seeing it was almost 11pm, you rubbed your eyes and yawned, you decided it was late enough and laid down wrapping your blanket around your self. You woke up to someone or something walking around in your room, you just thought it was your mom or dad walking in your room looking for money as always, you just pretended you were asleep. But not to long after you heard a unfamiliar voice whispers something in your ear, you sat up quickly looking around the dark room you couldn't hear anything other than your own breathing and heartbeat. You cannot see a sign of life, you sighed and looked at you clock "3am...damn must have been hearing things." You mutter and got up, you check your room to ease your conscience to make sure nothing or no one is in your room. You hear your notebook fall,  you turn around and look at your notebook as you walk up to it and pick it up "hm..must have been the wind." you set your notebook on your dresser and walked back to your bed as you lay down and close your eyes falling asleep.

~jeff's pov~
I hide under her bed and smiling, waiting for the right time to kill her. I think "Maybe I should kill her another day I'll wait tell she's fully asleep to get out of here." I wait gripping my knife tightly waiting till she slept.

Chapter 2

~Jeff's pov~

I got out from under her bed after she was fully asleep, I look at her and chuckle softly, i walk to her window and jump out, running in to the woods where my home was.


~Reader's pov~

You woke up to your alarm going off, you sit up and yawned, you get up walking to a mirror brushing your (c/h) hair and putting your eyeliner on. You sigh as you put on your (C) gloves,  your (C) shirt, (C) jacket, (C) beanie and you slip on your (C) paints, and you finally put on your socks and shoes. You sigh and look at the time "5:27 I got enough time to walk." You say smiling, you loved walking, especially in the woods, there was a short cut in the woods to get to the school, you would love looking at the trees they were so beautiful. You grabbed your phone and plugged in your headphones as you put them in your ears, You put on your favorite song. You grab your backpack and walk out. You walked to the woods and started taking the short cut, you looked at the trees and smiled. You were happy in tell you heard a twig snap behind you, you turned around and out of the corner of your eye you saw something or someone running to find a place to hide, you turned around quickly and ran to your school. You heard footsteps running behind you but you kept running, you didn't want to die not today.

Chapter 3

~Reader's pov~
You ran in to the school, scared and confused thoughts were rushing though your mind 'what the hell was that, why was it trying to get me?!' You were breathing heavy, you felt someone touch your shoulder you turned around, you were relieved it was your best friend "oh thank god it's just you (f/n)" your friend gave you a small smile "hey (y/n), you feeling ok? You were shaking, what happened?". You told your friend everything that happened, your friend nodded after hearing what happened "well good thing your ok" your friend gave you a tight hug, you hugged back feeling safe. You went on your day, it would have been just another day if you didn't get chased by whatever that was. You felt safe In tell you had to walk home, you tried calling everyone hoping they would pick up, sadly no one did, you knew you had to walk but not though those woods again. You sighed and started to walk home you kept looking around and at the woods to make sure no one was following you, after a 15 minute walk  you walked to your door, you unlocked it and walked it, you still didn't feel safe, you still checked every inch of your house. After you felt safe you went and watched the news, your heart stopped seeing your mother's face on the news, you turned it up to hear better "(y/m/f/n) was found dead today, her throat was cut and also her stomach and many knife wounds, if you know anything about this murder and who could have done it please call 9-1--" you turned off the tv, you were shocked, your mother, the one who raised you the most was gone forever, you just sat there thinking, wishing it was all a dream, but you knew this was a dream you couldn't wake up from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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