camping for the weekend

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Me and link are going camping for the weekend with our kids even Lily and Presley (17 and 1)
Lily is link's and Presley is mine

We arrived at the campgrounds about three hours later link was hungry but I wasn't I ate Four hours ago and link did too.

What's up with him I need to ask him but I just can't
He is tired and he can't run like he use to .

I run after Presley all the time and I'm never tired
After the kids went to bed

Yes rhett
You need to get tested your not the same
Okay but who is going to look after the kids
I'll call someone
Okay who
Charles and Allie they are in LA for a bit

(Rhett leaves a note) (note is below)
Kids , Charles and Allie,
Me (Rhett) And link are gone to the hospital to see if there is anything wrong with him.
Keep him In your prayers

(At the hospital )
We need to do a simple blood test
(after the blood test)
Charles Neal needs a blood transfusion and he is having a bone marrow biopsy in a few hours
This is going to be a long night
I know

(later at the campgrounds)
I got to the campgrounds about 5 minutes later after Rhett called me allie came with me
Allie was with the boys I was with Shep and the girls shepherd was with me because he wanted me to tell my story to him
Presley can't sleep till she hears Rhett I panicked because he's at the hospital with link and probably in a nervous wreck
Shepherd wants his girlfriend and it's late so I asked my mom to bring Valentine (my daughter) so she would calm shepherd and calm me cause she's my baby girl I have 3 children (20,16,13)
10 minutes later Valentine came

(at the hospital)
Rhett McLaughlin
Can we talk
Charles Neal is positive for leukemia
(Rhett's eyes go wide)
Can I call my friend

(dials Charles' number)
Hey Rhett
Got any news
He has leukemia
Want to talk to the kids
Can you bring them in

(back at the campgrounds)
Kids wake up
We put lily, Lincoln, lando in allies car
I put Locke, Shep, Presley and Valentine in Rhett's car
I make sure the "groups" are together when we go to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and I give Presley to Rhett and she is small as a 9 month old baby

Can we talk

(Rhett walks the kids into a private room)
Sit down guys
Are you guys ready
Link is very sick and the doctors are doing their best to make him Better
What kind of sick is he
Can-cer -cer-er (Valentine stutters)
Yes baby girl (says Charles trying to talk without crying)


Want to go see him

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